You may be thinking - who needs advice on how to cope with suddenly
becoming a multi-millionaire? It sounds ridiculous at first, but a quick
search of Lottery horror stories will get you thinking. If you have
serious aspirations of a massive lottery win, either by positive
thinking, harnessing the Law of Attraction, or through powerful White
Magic Spell casting, then it is vital to be prepared.
becoming massively rich presents it's own, very real problems. Although
you'd be forgiven for thinking that those are the kind of problems you
could live with!
And talking about thinking, it is part of the process of attracting money and wealth and success that you are firmly in the zone of wealth and success.
Don't say to yourself that this will never happen to you, because if you do, it won't.
Make the prospect of being a multi-millionaire a reality for you now by the way you think. And a way to do that is to take steps to prepare yourself now, for that reality.
Here are some top tips for surviving the sudden huge lottery win.
1. Don't go Public!
The lottery companies will try to encourage you to go public. Understandably, they want the publicity to help them promote sales for their lottery tickets. However, by not going public, you will help reduce the chances of being harassed by long lost relatives, "old friends" and complete strangers, who want you to share your newfound wealth with them, however deserving or undeserving they might be.
Going public could also encourage local and national press to hound you for juicy stories about you and your family in the light of your new found wealth.
You'll agree though, that it could be very difficult to keep a multi-million lottery win a secret, especially when family gets to know (how come you are moving into a 10 bedroom mansion when last week you were stacking shelves?), or friends get wind of it (you will want to brag).
It will be hard to sit on your winnings until the news dies down about a big lottery winner in your neighbourhood, but this might be your best option to avoid the worse consequences to relationships and privacy a big lottery win will bring.
2. Don't go on a Spending Spree!
It's important to give yourself time to adjust to your newfound wealth before going on a spending spree. It's wise to avoid the impulse of buying everything you can afford and thought you wanted, and then ending up having to get rid of them later.
Buying 6 cars and 3 houses, particularly if you are not going public, is a bit of a giveaway, and something you may well regret. You might find yourself, down the road, spending more of your time trying to offload things you bought on impulse, rather than enjoying your new life as a very wealthy person.
3. Reign in the ridiculous!
We all have dreams of what we would like to do if suddenly we become multi-millionaires. Lots of money does bring you the opportunity to buy into large projects. However, thing that you might have thought you wanted to do, may involve a lot of managing, taking up time you should be using to enjoy yourself.
4. Don't be afraid to tell little white lies!
You'll want to keep you newfound wealth under the radar for as long as possible to as many people as possible, if you want to avoid the pitfalls of strained relationship with family and friends, and unwanted attention from the press, beggars, scroungers and pests.
It's your sanity and privacy at stake, so don't be afraid to tell the odd little white lie to explain away aspects of your new lifestyle.
5. Give to Charity
Strange as it may seem, some big lottery winners can feel quite guilty. This is an issue with would-be millionaires too. They don't believe that they are worthy of such wealth and good fortune, and this becomes a barrier to them being happy.
Such feelings are compounded by the images of poor deprived communities we see constantly from around the world. Children starving, families struggling to keep their homes, animals suffering, are all constantly in need of help.
Being in a position to help charitable organisations, in a significant way, is a privilege, and managing this opportunity should be a priority for any new lottery winner. Not only that, but committing to giving back, fuels the law of Attraction and guarantees good Karma for you.
So, don't ever discount the idea that you can win. If you have serious aspirations of a massive lottery win, either by positive thinking, harnessing the Law of Attraction, or through powerful White Magic Spell casting, then it is vital to be prepared – and you might need to be the one that needs to be prepared.
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