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How to attract a man for Christmas. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year when countless people throughout the world will be getting together with family and friends and enjoying good company, good food and a little tipple too.
Unfortunately for many, the Holidays can be a lonely time, especially if you have no one special to share the celebrations with. If you have no one, you may well be looking forward to the Holiday season with terrible anxiety.
I have helped so many people find true love with advice, counseling, coaching, and a little Magic too!
Strategies to Attract a Man
If you want to attract men in general or attract a man in particular, then you'll need to appeal to all of their six senses. Yes, I did mean six. The five mundane senses of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch - plus the Sixth psychic sense.
The sense of smell is perhaps the most powerful in attracting a mate. This certainly applies to the animal kingdom and to us humans too. There is not a lot you can do about your natural scent which will be very attracting to certain males anyway. But you can ensure that you smell as sweet as you can do by scrupulous hygiene to attract a man. You can enhance your natural scent by applying perfumed oils that are known attractors of males. These are Jasmine, Neroli and Ylang Ylang which I can guarantee will attract a man .
These perfumes have been proven to attract men. Make sure only purely natural essential oils are used in the perfume you choose or better still make your own. Perfume your hair with these oils too and you will be irresistible.
When you are lovingly kissed by your lover, so many senses are involved: touch, sight and especially taste.
When a man kisses you he wants to taste the essence of you. It is this
essence that is most attractive to a man. He doesn't want to taste anything unpleasant! Stale
cigarettes, last night's alcohol, strong coffee or artificial flavours
contained in junk foods can all contribute to a poor experience when kissing someone, as you can imagine!
It's important to taste as delicious as possible to attract a man. So to taste as good as you can do, eat only the healthiest of foods, drink plenty of water, keep strong flavours to a minimum, quit or reduce smoking and drink alcohol only in moderation.
Sight is the first sense that men notice when looking for a mate. So it goes without saying to attract a man you should always look your very best. Many women especially have a negative view of their appearance and shape. But it's important to realise you don't need to be a super model to attract a man.
You may not have a body like a Pussycat Doll but you should try to achieve the best look you can, utilising your best assets to best effect. You need to dress in clothes that really flatter you. Knowing that you look good makes you feel good and boosts your confidence. And nothing is more appealing to a man than confidence.
Although the tone and pitch of your voice is important, it is more about what you say that matters in your pursuit to attract a man. Be as interesting as you can by keeping up to date with current affairs and having lots of topics of conversation to talk about. Don't be afraid to voice your opinions but make sure those opinions are well researched, unprejudiced, and well informed. You need not only to sound interesting to a potential partner, but be interesting too.
You will need to be sensuous to his touch. This means that your skin should be soft and smooth and your body should be as shapely and toned and as you can be. And again the only way to achieve lovely skin and a shapely toned body is by daily exercise and a good diet.
Eating good healthy foods, drinking plenty of water and ridding toxins from your body will leave your skin soft and glowing and irresistible for him to want to touch you. Try to start a daily routine of simple exercise, even a little everyday will help, and this will leave your body in good shape with good tone too.
Moisterise daily after your shower to ensure a soft glowing skin tone!
Everyone can use their intuition and their innate psychic power to attract a man, if you know how.
You can use your psychic connection to the man you have your eye on to attract him and make him yours. You can do this through Mystical methods by casting an Attraction Spell yourself or asking a professional Spell caster or Witch to help you. Real Magic uses mysterious, subtle yet tried and tested methods to attract a lover.
You can use Spells you cast yourself, Spells cast professionally, love potions, Candle Magic, Love Potions, Talisman Attracting Crystals. And even if you are a little sceptical, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Spell Casting is a wonderful exercise that helps you to concentrate and focus on your goals. And in the case of a Love Spell the goal is to attract, secure and maintain true love. By casting your own Spells, you can generate the will and power within you to achieve what you desire. Love can hurt but you can make it easier on yourself by turning to the power of Magic to help true love to run more smoothly.
Pink Rose Love Spell to Attract a Man
This Love Spell is designed to help to draw to you an as yet unknown love interest or someone you would like a loving relationship with, or to enhance an established relationship. So it’s a One Love Spell Fits All type of Spell.
Ideally cast the Spell at dusk on a Friday.
Firstly you’ll need a white or pink candle, (you can anoint this with Love Oil). You’ll also need a pink rose. Light the candle.
Scatter 7 rose petals around the base of the candle.
Say out loud 3 times:
"Love be mine with energies bright
Send to me with love and light
So mote it be!"
Next allow the candle to burn down for around 7 minutes . All the while visualising your desired outcome. Blow out the candle. Gather up the rose petals and place them under your pillow overnight. The following morning remove the petals and throw them to the wind, again reciting the same words of the Spell.
This is a wonderful love potion that you can drink on its own or to accompany a Love Spell you are casting. Like many Love Spells this ritual is best begun on the evening of a full moon.
Recipe for Love Tea
Prepare a mix of the following dried herbs:
As you mix the blend with a wooden spoon, think of the lover you want to attract to you. Take care with this part of the process and focus on who exactly you want to draw towards you. Focus on their qualities, their strengths and their gifts and talents. When you are ready say aloud 3 times:
"Mix combine to bring to me
A true love for all to see!"
The blend should give you enough blended love tea for nine days.
Each evening for nine consecutive days pour boiling water over one teaspoon of the blend, (including one rosebud). Allow to steep for five minutes. Add honey to taste.
Sip the tea and say 3 times aloud:
"One true love bring forth to me
Two hearts combine
So mote it be!"
Repeat this process for another eight days.
Pink is a very attractive and alluring colour and catches the eye of most men. However, there are also other colours which are specifically attractive to certain men of certain Star Signs, if you have your eye on a particular male!
You should aim to wear or highlight the colour relevant to the star sign a particular man you have your eye on. Coloured articles of clothing, accessories including jewellery such as broaches, scarves, belts – all highlighting a particular colour, which can have a remarkable effect on how attractive you appear to particular men.
You can have a Spell Cast to attract a Man for Christmas!
Casting Spells can bring miraculous results very swiftly and can literally change your destiny for the better.
Magic can make you more attractive to others. Magic can give you new reasons for living. Magic is powerful and you should never underestimate its potential. Magic is a philosophy. You can use Magic to alter events and achieve what you want in life.
Make sure your Spell Caster Casts Spells only in love and light, with harm to none and they do not bend the will of anyone. In this way you can be assured that all positive ways to allow you your wishes and desires to manifest are sought out.
Using and Activating the Law of Attraction
Spells that work with the Law of Attraction are known to be very powerful and enable your wish or desire to be sent to the Universe swiftly and effectively.
Yes, incredible as it sounds, by using the Law of Attraction combined with the power of real Magic you can attract to you whatever you desire, within reason.
Wishes and Dreams
Casting Spells is similar to making a wish. We all make wishes. We all hope for good health, enough wealth, true love and real happiness. Real wishes are not just dreams that are unlikely to manifest.
To make a real wish is akin to conducting a simple Magic Spell. Each year at your birthday, you close your eyes, concentrate on your wish, blow out the candle on your birthday cake and hope that your wish comes true.
Or you might see a shooting star or toss a coin in a wishing well, you close your eyes, make your wish and hope it is granted. A similar process of concentration, focus and directing of energy up to the Universe occurs in real Magic Spell casting.
Just like prayers, wishes are pleas to the Universe to grant us what we wish for. Some wishes are granted just like some prayers are answered and some Magic Spells manifest. But how can you better ensure that your wishes will come true. Do you leave it in the hands of destiny and fate? Or do you take positive action to make sure that your wishes really do come true?
Spell casting to make things better is as old a time itself. In its most basic terms Spell casting to attract love is simply the process of making a wish. Throughout the centuries and in ancient times people have prayed to their gods, made wishes or cast Magic Spells to help them manifest what they most desired. Their prayers have been answered, their wishes granted and their Magic Spells manifested.
You can have a Spell cast within 24 hours to attract a Man for Christmas!
Whether skeptical or not, you can't afford to miss out on the power and benefits of Magic in your life. What have you got to lose?
CLICK HERE to send me your details
Within 24 hours I will email your detailed Spell schedule
When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Conditions
I look forward to casting your Spell on your behalf. The moment I cast a Spell for you it immediately begins working on your request. After the Spell has been cast I will send you notification that I completed and cast your Spell.
I’m Alizon and I am the leading English White Witch and expert Spell caster. I am a real Witch, casting real Spells with real results.
I have many, many years of experience and have helped thousands of clients over the years to resolve the problems they were experiencing.
Let me help you!
I cast powerful, potent Spells to get the real results you are looking for.
I only use powerful and potent White Magic and cast effective Spells that work to bring you exactly what you desire.
If you want me to cast your very own Spell then go ahead and order NOW. As soon as I have all the information I need from you I will begin preparations so that the positive energies can commence immediately.
Q. How fast do your Spells work?
A. The moment I cast a Spell it immediately begins working on your request. Every case is unique with some seeing full results within days, whereas others have to wait longer.
Q. How soon can you cast my Spell for me, Alizon?
A. Normally within 24 hours.
Q. What payment methods do you accept?
A. I can ONLY accept payment via PayPal or credit card. I do not accept Western Union. I CANNOT accept payment any other way. So if you don’t have a PayPal account or a credit card you could perhaps ask a friend or relative to make payment on your behalf.
Q. Is White Magic and having a Spell cast safe?
A. Yes, each Spell I cast is cast in Love and Light, with Harm to None. It cannot backfire and does not bend the will of anyone.
Q. Do you charge additional payments?
A. No, not at all. You pay a one off payment for each Spell I Cast for you.
Q. What information do I need to give you?
A. I will need your full name, date of birth and the desired outcome you want from the Spell.
Q. What happens after I order from you Alizon?
A. I will respond to your order via your given email address and communicate with you further, normally within 24 hours.
Q. Do you keep my information private and confidential?
A. Yes. Always! I keep my dealings with you completely private and confidential. I never pass on your information to a third party! Your e-mail address and information is totally secure. No indication that you have purchased a Spell will appear on your PayPal account or Credit card statement.
Q. How much are your Spells?
A. My Spells are generally $50.00, $80.00 or $150.00 depending on which type of Spell you require. I always recommend you purchase the strongest Spell you can afford. Although I am from the UK my prices are in US dollars, as the vast majority of my clients are from the USA. If you do not live in the USA, whatever your local currency is, it will be converted automatically via PayPal.
See more of my FAQs.
My personal pledge and guarantee to you is that I will give 100% of my time and effort, using all my expertise and experience, to do my utmost in casting a successful Spell to get the results you want, with Harm to None and without bending the will of anyone.
Your personal and individual Spell will be formulated, personalized and expertly cast by me using the relevant and appropriate ingredients to aid speedy manifestation, so that the moment I cast your Spell it will immediately begin working on your request!
All my dealings with you are kept completely private and confidential. Your e-mail address and all the information you provide for me is totally secure.
When you buy a Spell or other product from me it will appear as a series of random letters and numbers on your credit or debit card bill, so that your purchase cannot be identified by others. No reference to Spell casting nor the name Alizon will appear.
Fear of the future, feeling helpless and powerless are all negative
emotions associated with a lack of money, love or success. These negative emotions will
seep into your Aura causing dark and negative energies to surround you.
And as the Law of Attraction states 'like attracts like', so you are very unlikely to attract vibrant health, abundant wealth and real happiness without help.
Having me cast a Spell will dispel the negative energies surrounding you and replace them with only positive energies that are very attracting.
You will be sending out the powerful message that you want to live a carefree and abundant life, filled with love and joy and without worries.
Having a pure white magic Spell cast will automatically cleanse your Aura.
A clear, bright and glowing Aura is essential in living a successful, fulfilling and happy life.
Spells that work best are those that are expertly cast using the correct ingredients and correct tools by an experienced expert Spell caster.
I cast powerful, potent Spells to get the real results you are looking for.
I have many, many years of experience and have helped thousands of clients over the years to resolve the problems they were experiencing.
Let me help you.
I only use powerful and potent White Magic and cast effective Spells that work to bring you exactly what you desire, with harm to none.
Order Now if you want me to cast your very own Spell. As soon as I have all the information I need from you I will begin preparations so that the positive energies can commence immediately.
Through the ages and within every culture older wise women have passed down their knowledge and skills of healing herbs, medicinal plants, phases of the moon and sun, the alignment of the stars and other natural phenomenon to younger generations.
The crafting of ingredients, coupled with prayers, rhymes or chants (Spells) were sent out to the Universe to increase abundance, to bring love, to aid fertility and for protection.
I possess the knowledge, skill, expertise and experience to successfully cast Spells that work with the Universe to help you with your desires.
I am an experienced Spell caster of many years and have a wide knowledge of herbs, oils, crystals and other ingredients, their qualities, their energies and how to use them successfully.
Mental health is so important to wellbeing and can be difficult to identify and treat. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
MIND is the UK equivalent.
SANE is available in Australia.
Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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The law requires me to state that the contents of this website are for entertainment purposes only.
Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
You must be at least 18 years old to make any purchase from me.
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