Brown Colour Meaning for Magic, Healing and Enhancing your Life…
The Colour Meaning of Brown
The Colour Brown is part of my Colour Meanings series...
As I am English, I use the spelling of 'colour' throughout my website, rather than the American version of 'color'.
Brown, like the earth itself is a rich, comforting and sensuous colour. It represents groundedness, sensibility and practicality. This colour is not seen as a frivolous or flighty colour and is the preferred colour of both men and women who are practical and like to get things done. It is the colour of the doer rather than the dreamer.
If you want to attract a life partner who is loyal, trustworthy, dependable and supportive then wear something in the colour brown to catch their attention.
Brown Colour Meaning
Brown is the colour of the Earth and is both nurturing and comforting. It gives a sense of security and connectivity to nature and to animals. It is very healing and protective and can help balance the emotions. The colour brown represents homeliness, comfort and security. The traditional brown colour meaning is that of groundedness and practicality. The meaning of brown is also associated with a love of nature, animals and the environment.
Brown Colour Meaning in Healing
In colour therapy and colour healing brown is used as a stabilizer. It helps bring to reality and down to earth too fanciful and flighty feelings associated with paranoia. Hyperactivity and hyper tension can be helped with the use of this colour. It is good for those who suffer panic attacks and anxiety as it is both comforting and grounding.
This colour is very grounding and can also help in painful situations both emotional and physical.
Brown Colour Meaning in Magic and Correspondences
Brown is connected with the Element of Earth, the direction North, the zodiac sign of Capricorn and the planet Earth. Brown is also connected to the Chariot Tarot Card.
Brown Crystals such as Tiger’s Eye are used for grounding, protection and healing of animals.
The colour Brown is used in rituals and Spells for success, creativity, wealth and prosperity.I use them in my Success Spells, Confidence Spells and Money Spells.
Success Spell
Confidence Spell
Enhancing your Life with the Colour Brown
Wear this colour, decorate your home or just enjoy it within nature to help you become stable and grounded. It helps keep your feet on the ground and gives you strength and determination to get any job done.
Wear brown when you need to work hard, organise your finances or stick to your guns in a disagreement.
If you are craving security, dependability and reliability then include more of this colour into your life.
Choosing Brown as a Favourite Colour
Choosing Brown as a favourite colour indicates that you are very in tune with nature and are very gifted in communicating with and dealing with animals. Your connection to animals makes you a very caring and nurturing person. You also have your feet on the ground and are very practical and not afraid to roll your sleeves up and get down to work.
You are dependable, trustworthy and reliable in your nature. You really have your feet on the ground and flighty, frivolous people and experiences do not impress you.
If you have brown as a favourite colour you have many friends who depend on you for your down to earth, practical advice. You are very approachable and friendly and people feel comfortable with you.
Home is very important to you and family and friends mean the world to you.
What you see is what you get when you have a brown colour personality. You have no hidden agenda and do not like mind games. You speak frankly and honestly but also know when to act with tact and diplomacy.
As a partner you are sensuous, warm, loving and dependable and would not stray in a committed relationship. You seek support, safety and security in relationships.
You like to live an uncomplicated and simple life where comfort is above fashion or style for you. You are much attuned to nature and animals and love to be within natural environments. You tend to surround yourself with natural materials such as stone and wood and wear natural clothing of cotton, silk and wool. Man-made fabrics and materials do not suit your taste.
On the downside of a brown colour personality you can be a bit of a stick in the mud and are seen as inflexible at times.
With brown as a favourite colour you may prefer to live a predictable and ordered life and are sometimes afraid of change. You sometimes take life too seriously.
But now is exactly the time to embrace some of the exciting and new experiences and changes that are awaiting you.
If you have brown as a favourite colour you will find the strength and determination to tackle an issue that has been troubling you.
Your willpower will be at its strongest so if you need to rid yourself of negative habits then now is the time to begin.
It is also time to look closely at your career, business ideas and finances and how you can increase the abundance and prosperity in your life. Be alert to offers or opportunities that come your way.
The use of colour, their colour meanings and what they represent are very important in my Magic Spell Casting to change destiny for the better!!!
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- Commence a new career or business
- Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
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- Or any positive purpose you may have
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