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Developing a positive attitude is your gateway to a more fulfilling life.
But it can be one of the most difficult things to do if you are mired in struggle, disappointment and even heart break.
positive, even in the face of great difficulty, will open up
opportunities in life. Always expecting the best will happen to you,
will attract the best to you.
For example, developing a positive attitude is vital if you want to develop psychic ability within you. You will need to dispel negativity, become more positive, and you will need to rid yourself of any negative beliefs you have about yourself and to stop repeating them to yourself every day.
I want to present some simple steps that will help you develop a positive attitude about you and your life.
You might have a strong negative self-image. What you perceive of
yourself is how you present yourself to others. As you imagine and
visualise negative aspects of your appearance, so you present a negative
image or appearance to others.
Even in your normal conversation
you might make negative statements and self-deprecating remarks about
yourself constantly, which affects the root of your behaviour and your
You might be subject to negativity from people around
you, even those close to you: your partner, spouse, boss, teacher,
colleagues, children, parents, and your relatives.
You must refuse to accept this negativity and challenge it. This will be a large step towards developing a positive attitude about yourself and your life.
your self-image was positive, you would present a positive image of
yourself to others. What you imagine to be good and attractive – will
be so to others.
Other people might make negative assessments of
your abilities, skills, knowledge, intelligence, creativity, and common
sense. If you were a negative person, then subconsciously you might
agree with these assessments and believe that they are true.
These are other symptoms of a negative attitude, preventing developing a positive attitude:
you will run through past failures and disappointments in your mind.
This will affect your behaviour now, and you will be more inclined to
believe that you will fail in your attempts to be successful in your
life. This will dampen your spirit, your motivation, and your
confidence, and inhibit your ability in developing a positive attitude.
its most extreme a negative view of yourself may lead you to see your
entire world in a negative light. You begin to believe and act like a
“loser”. You rarely see anything in a positive light and can't be
convinced that you can achieve what you want in life. You find it hard
to believe that you will succeed and you can see only gloom and doom on
the horizon.
Because a negative attitude always predicts the worst, at some subconscious level you will work to achieve the worst and succeed in fulfilling the your own negative prophecy of failure.
Many of our problems and feelings of being unfulfilled are as a result of negativity. Negativity in our lives blocks out opportunities, blocks out ideas, blocks out motivation – and blocks out psychic ability. This is a major barrier to developing a positive attitude.
Negativity affects your demeanour, and other people will avoid you if you are negative. Negative people always see the bad in good things, and never see any good in anything.
In life many things happen to us. Sometimes we call them bad luck.
Luck happens to us everyday and it is we who label it good, or bad. In
most of the bad things that happen to us we can usually find a positive
outcome – no matter how small. Always try to find this positive. A
positive attitude will ensure that your life is rich, happy and you
achieve your dreams and goals.
In developing a positive attitude you must get what you perceive as “bad” things in your life into perspective.
what looks negative on the surface is a blessing in disguise. Of
course we will all suffer from traumatic events in our lives. Each one
of us will suffer the pain and heartache of losing our loved ones. We
are right to deal with this for what it is – a great sadness and loss.
this type of loss is rare, and might happen just a few times in our
lives. This is not bad luck – it is participating in the cycle of life
in which we all must take part.
Other events in our lives will be
sad, of course. Relationship break-up, the loss of possessions and
illness. But what happens to us is not the important thing – it is how
we deal with an event that is important, and also where it leads to and
how it equips us for our future.
The anxiety that accompanies the
projected break-up of a relationship – fear of loneliness, rejection,
loss of status – may resolve itself in a new independence and
confidence. Loss of possessions may result in freedom from burdens.
Illness may lead to self-discovery and new perspectives.
There is a simple exercise to allow you to get what you perceive as your bad luck into perspective. If you are the kind of person who believes that they have been dogged by bad luck recently – or even all their lives, then you are suffering from a negative attitude, rather than suffering constant bad luck.
Get a piece of paper and write down all the bad things that have happened to you or those close to you in the last year. For every thing that was bad, write down at least one good thing that came out of it as a result.
If you are able to see all life’s experiences as positive, then you will achieve your goals and dreams much sooner. Whenever something bad happens, assume that it happened to prevent something even worse. Try to think of the things that happened in your life that have got you to where you are today. At the time many would have seemed to be bad, but you did come out of those bad times – usually richer for the experience.
...with positive thoughts!
If ever we are faced with a certain task to perform, never start it with the thought or expression “I’ll never do that!” Try to dislodge your negative thoughts with positive ones. You have dreams and aspirations, but you always qualify them by saying:
“OK, I really want that – but I’ll never be able to get it”.
Try to dislodge your negative thoughts with positive ones. If you replace this negativity with belief then your dreams cease to be pipe dreams and are replaced by aspirations that will come to pass.
Never say “I hope to get this,” say instead “I will get this”.
Concentrate on what you have already - don’t dwell on what you have not got, think always of the good things in your life:
From now on try developing a positive attitude about everything you aspire to. If something bad happens to you, look for the positives only. Always strive to see the good in everything and everyone. Believe that positive things happen to you all the time – and they will.
Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some voluntary charity work.
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Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
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