Dream Dictionary H
Find out about the meaning of dreams starting with the letter H from this Dream Dictionary H page.
To experience sheer happiness in a dream – no matter in what context – shows that you will find ways to feel good about yourself, raise your self esteem and self confidence.
To experience the emotion of hate – no matter in what context – suggest an inner hatred of some part of yourself. You may feel guilt, remorse or disgust for what you perceive to be your faults.
In dream analysis dreaming about a hawk suggests you may be under observation and suspicion. Someone may have malicious intent and have their eye on you waiting for you to make a mistake.
Dreaming about heather is an extremely lucky omen. Look out for connections to the colour purple for gambling success if you have dreamt about heather the previous night.
The meaning of dreams connected to heaven relates to messages coming to you from Spirit. The messages may be well hidden and so you will need to look for signs of white feathers, chimes or bells and clouds in your waking hours to help you decipher the messages. A white feather is associated with an angel guiding you, chimes and bells from spirit guides and clouds from past loved ones.
The meaning of dreams connected to seeing a hedgehog in a dream symbolises defensiveness. You may feel under attack and threatened and will need to cunning to come out the winner.
The dream meaning of heights can suggest two things depending on your feelings. If you are dreaming about falling from a height or are scared about the height this shows tenseness, anxiety and stress related to a close relationship.
If, however you feel comfortable from the height and even flying above the world, this shows that you are soaring ever nearer to achieving something of vital importance that will be recognized and rewarded.
The dream meaning of a helicopter means that things are progressing too fast for you. You may be in whirl of confusion and will need to keep your feet firmly on the ground.
Dreaming about being a passenger in a helicopter or even piloting the helicopter is a very good omen. It means that you are travelling towards you goal, speedily and on course.
However if you dream about a helicopter crash the dream meaning signifies a major setback in your goals and aspirations.
In dream interpretation dreaming about a hen shows that you are in line for a promotion. Someone has noticed you and you are being observed.
Dreaming about herbs is a very good omen and shows that you are about to be in receipt of abundant wealth, health and happiness.
Dreaming about a hippopotamus suggests that you have great reserves of inner strength, patience and understanding. These qualities will be called upon as someone will need you as a shoulder to cry on.
The meaning of dreams connected to holly shows a forthcoming family gathering may resolve some thorny issues.
In dream analysis horses indicate freedom. You will be breaking free, finding a new independence and gaining control over your life. This may come through via a financial windfall.
In dream analysis dreaming about a house indicates your feelings towards your family. If the house you dream about is peculiar in some way with unusual doors, floors or ceilings this can show a need to resolve a long standing issue with a family member once and for all. If, however you feel comfortable with the house you dreamt about this can mean that an out of touch relative will want to reconnect with you, possibly bringing you very good news.
The dream meaning of a hurricane suggests an unexpected and out of the blue event that will have major ramifications for you. Be warned that this upheaval will be dramatic in nature and life changing.
The dream meaning of seeing or smelling a hyacinth suggests that someone has very intense and strong feelings for you and will want to reveal them to you.
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