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Difficult or forbidden love can ultimately spell heartache for both people involved in a love affair. There are many reasons why relationships can be termed as difficult or even forbidden.
Being trapped in an unhappy marriage and finding love outside it is at best very stressful and at worst a recipe for heartbreak and heartache for all concerned, especially if children are involved
Often, children are the only reason that many couples stay together, despite the general unhappiness of one or both partners.
We cannot choose whom we fall in love with so if you are married or have a married lover don't despair. It can work out if the love between you is strong enough and you have support from others.
Affairs only happen when there is unhappiness in the marriage and the love has gone from it. And there is nothing worse than a loveless unhappy marriage. I know of so many couples who suffer in unfulfilling and sometimes abusive relationships and still find it so difficult to take the steps needed to break free.
There are many reason for that of course. When a person has built a life together with their partner over what could be many years, their lives are so intertwined that breaking free can feel impossible because of the need to unravel so many aspects of their lives.
For people experiencing this kind of forbidden love, an affair, knowing that you have the possibility of true love waiting for you should give you all the strength you need to break free from
the unhappy marriage and get through the difficult times, and turn this forbidden love into true love.
My advice to anyone in an unhappy relationship is to get out of it as soon as possible. The first difficult and frightening steps you take, will eventually lead you to a happier and more fulfilling time.
Differences in culture, race or religion can be very problematic in
some relationships, and can often be characterised as forbidden love. Often family can pressurise someone to either not
enter into a relationship or finish one if it involves someone from a
different race, religion or culture.
But if you are determined to celebrate the differences between you and can show family and friends how happy you are together then you can win through. Most reasonable and loving family and friends will only want what makes you happy and the rest you will never win round their approval. So to make it work you both need to be strong, committed and show people how much you love each other and ignore the people who disapprove.
In some respects, relationships involving partners of relatively wide age differences are the very definition of forbidden love, and in many societies can be illegal.
Age differences of say more than 7 years can be problematic in relationships, certainly among the younger age groups. The older you are the more acceptable a wide age gap becomes - within reason of course!
Family and friends may frown on a big age difference between two young lovers. If there is a noticeable age gap this can also lead to embarrassing situations where you and your love are mistaken as parent and child for example. But if your love for each other is strong enough you can succeed in having a very loving and lasting relationship.
We often here the expression “I’ve met someone online” but in reality no ‘meeting’ has taken place. Similarly getting to know someone and even falling in love with someone via the Internet can be very difficult if it is not in person.
If you are looking for a love relationship that will lead to a committed, trusting, lasting and a loyal relationship then accept that "meeting" online and carrying out an Internet relationship cannot replace an actual physical meeting.
The start of a real relationship happens on day one of your actual physical meeting and not before.
To attract, recognise and reciprocate a real love involves all 5 senses, the most important of which is smell. Just as in the animal kingdom, we can smell the right mate for us. This of course is instinctive and you should "sniff" out any insincere, deceptive and dishonest potential partners when you meet them in person.
Not so much forbidden love, but long distance relationships certainly need a lot of work, and those people experiencing them will get a lot of advice about how impossible and difficult they are to maintain.
However, in my experience they can work but need a lot of extra effort and
some planning. The most successful long distance relationships have a
plan to manage the distance.
No one chooses to be in a long
distance relationship but circumstances, geographical location and work
commitments can keep people apart.
The phrase “absence makes the
heart grow fonder” could be true but equally the saying “out of sight,
out of mind” could also be true in some long distance relationships.
honest communication is key to making a long-distance relationship
work. Don't let resentment fester about your situation. Rejoice in any
opportunity to connect. In this day and age, there are so many ways to
keep in touch that don't cost the earth: Skype, Zoom, Face Time, are
just some of the ways available to the modern contemporary long-distance
All these methods provide ample opportunity to express
feelings, hopes and dreams, and for expressing plans for your highly
anticipated next meeting!
By openly talking about your feelings
and about your resentment at the situation rather than at each other you
can focus on looking forward to the time when you're next together.
Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
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