Gebo Meaning
The Interpretation and Meaning of Gebo
The Rune Gebo is part of my Rune Meanings series...
The Gebo meaning is seen as a very welcome omen in a Rune Reading .
The ancient meaning of the Gebo Rune is that of a Gift. In the modern day the Gebo meaning is concerned with skills, talents, gifts and abilities along with love and partnership. It's most common use is that of a written kiss.
The meaning of Gebo can represent an important choice that could affect the rest of your life. This symbolises a choice between duty versus your heart's desire. By taking a gamble it could lead to greater happiness and emotional fulfilment, staying dutiful then life will simply remain the same.
In a Rune Reading the Gebo Rune is seen as an extremely lucky Rune. It foretells a windfall, gift or blessing to be bestowed upon you.
Gebo Meaning
You should feel really blessed to have this Rune turn up in a Reading for you.
and skills are also associated with the Gebo Rune and can indicate
great luck in artistic, musical or dramatic pursuits.
the appearance of the Gebo Rune is seen as great one for questions
concerning partnerships – both business and romantic.
Gebo Reversed Meaning
There isn’t a Gebo reversed meaning as the Gebo Rune cannot be reversed.
Runes of Magic & Divination
The Runes of magic and
divination have been used throughout the ages to foretell futures and to
aid Spell casting and manifestation. Rune secrets are revealed and used
for inscribing magical meanings onto candles used in Spell casting.
you need to display your talents or skills in an audition, exam or job
interview invisibly 'draw' the Gebo Rune symbol onto your forehead just
before the testing situation.
The Gebo Rune can show a great deal of luck and good fortune coming your way!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to have a Spell cast to make your dreams come true.
Gebo Rune Correspondences
The Gebo Rune corresponds with the colour dark blue, the number 7, the
Tarot card of the Lovers and the astrological sign of Pisces. The
goddess Gefn and the god Odin are also associated with the Gebo Rune.
The element of Air is contained within the both male and female Gebo
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