May – the Hare Moon is also known as the Bright Moon in Celtic traditions or Milk Moon in Thomas's Old Farmer’s Almanac.
Running all through this time period the lunar phases of the full moon lessening to the waning moon and becoming invisible during the new moon phase and growing again during the waxing phase is focused on both teaching and learning.
Equal weight is given to both learning skills, gaining awareness and acquiring knowledge and to passing on the same to others. At the same time love should be in the air. And this can be both giving and receiving more love. Giving and taking equally are the key concepts of this time.
This page was created for exclusively for members of the Green Witches Coven. If you are already a member of the Coven then please enjoy this page. If you are not yet a member of the Green Witches Coven but would like to be then please apply HERE.
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The Beltane Sabbat is celebrated on this day and is also known as May Day and celebrates the rebirth of the Sun, marking the "death" of Winter and the "birth" of Spring. At dawn, morning dew is gathered from grass and wildflowers to be used in mystical potions for good luck. This traditionally is a time of great merriment, a celebration of the joy of life reborn. The celebration of life and love and the weaving of all things together in the dance of the maypole are of course symbolic of the burgeoning life and fertility of spring.
In the morning arrange a bunch of brightly colored flowers upon your altar. Wear bright multi colored clothing all day. Prepare and eat as many different brightly colored foods as possible – a salad containing orange and yellow peppers, tomatoes, beetroot, green leaves is perfect. Throughout your day be aware of all the colors around you.
During the Hare Moon period it is the perfect time for conducting enlightenment magic. Cast the following Spell on the evening of the full moon during the Hare phase.
This Enlightenment Spell will bring spiritual enlightenment and welcome changes if you allow it.
You can also add clear quartz and amethyst crystals and the Tarot card of the Heirophant and the Hermit to your Altar.
Place a teaspoon of chamomile in a drinking cup. Pour on boiling water and allow to cool and strain.
Ignite the dried Chamomile in the flameproof dish so it emits smoke.
Light your altar candle.
Concentrate and visualize a sphere of gold light forming around you and expanding outwards in every direction to form your Sacred space
Concentrate on all five elements of Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Spirit and how they are within you, represented on your Altar and in the world around you.
Raising your energy is bringing forth all your energy inside you and preparing to release it at the end of the Spell to go out into the world and create the changes you desire. Imagine the energy in the form of a white light flowing throughout your body forming a ball of light deep in your chest. Tense every muscle in your body until you feel ‘fully charged’. Relax and take a few deep breaths before proceeding
Drink the Chamomile tea.
Focus your gaze beyond the flames of your altar candle and you will begin to see images. Ask yourself what these images mean to you.
Recite 3 times:
‘Images reveal to me
All that I need to see
So mote it be'
Meditate on the images reflecting your innermost thoughts.
After your Hare Moon Spell is complete you will need to release and send out the energy that you raised. This energy is released into the world to create the change you desire. To do this you will need to stand before your altar and imagine the ball of light in your chest once more. Again tense all your muscles and begin to ‘push’ the energy upward.
Then stand comfortably with your feet apart and thrust your arms upwards and outwards to form a star shape with your body. Exhale and imagine sending this energy out into the air. When this is complete, stand with feet together and touch each shoulder with opposite arms to form a cross against your chest.
Relax, take some deep breaths and imagine and visualize the golden sphere around you becoming smaller until it disappears.
I've lowered the cost of this Special Powerful Spell and it's only available to Coven members at this special low price.
It is my lowest priced Spell ever, although still as powerful as my full priced Spells.
I use an ancient formula in this Coven Spell to truly enhance the positive energies of Mother Nature and the Universe.
You can have this Spell Cast to:
It will also deepen your connection with the Craft and enhance
your understanding of the mysteries of Witchcraft, supporting your magical growth.
Coven Spell
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Creating positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
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