Knight of Swords Tarot Card
The Interpretation and Meaning of the Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is part of my Tarot Card Meanings series...
The Knight of Swords is one of the Court cards in the suit of Swords in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.
All the Knights of each of the four suits in the Tarot often characterize the quality of the adolescent. As with the majority of teenagers or adults who behave like teenagers they tend to lurch from one thing to another while learning to interact appropriately with the world around them. They have their mood swings and can be perfectly charming, sweet and affectionate one moment and then turn into sulky, unfriendly and ill-mannered, selfish people the next moment. Their approach to events is dependent very much on the mood they are in at the time. Knights are all about changes, movement or travel.
The suit of Swords is connected with intellect, thought and reason.
It belongs to the element of Air, the colour yellow, the season of autumn or fall, the direction of east and the timing of dusk. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
The key words connected with the suit of Swords include analysis, articulation, cleverness, direction, ethical, forthright, honest, incisive, intellectual, knowledgeable, literate, logical, moral, quick-witted and well-informed.
The Knight of Swords Tarot card meaning can indicate movement relating to changes and important decisions to be made concerned with legal matters or other disputes. It can also mean increasing knowledge,
The Knight of Swords can be a warning card in Tarot Readings and can indicate unpredictable and unexpected events that can leave you very confused. Physically this card describes a young or young at heart person with brown hair and grey or green eyes.
The Knight of Swords, as with all the Court cards can be a representative of an individual or aspect of a personality. The meaning for this card can symbolize a young person or someone who behaves like a teenager who is too smart and too talkative for his or her own good. They possess a sharp mind and a sharp tongue.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerned with love and romance it usually indicates a hasty romance without much thought about the true compatibility of the partners. It can indicate lust at first sight. This type of relationship is usually short lived. It can indicate a brief affair.
The Tarot card meaning for questions concerning career or business in Tarot Readings often represents a time of great ambition and drive to become more successful. You may find yourself being presented with an opportunity to improve your career prospects.
For business this card can mean winning over your competitors and perhaps winning a sought after contract.
The Knight of Swords Tarot card meaning for questions related to money and finance usually relates to finding ways of cutting your outgoings as a way to balance your books.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerning health and well being it can show a need for injections, shots or surgery.
It can also indicate researching and increasing knowledge about any ailments you have.
If the Knight of Swords is prominent in a Tarot Spread it can show that air travel is on the cards. You may be called on to take a flight for reasons other than a holiday or vacation.
It also has strong meanings related to increasing knowledge and learning. You may find yourself looking into education, classes or courses.
The Suit of Swords
The Suit of Swords is connected with intellect, thought and reason.
It belongs to the element of Air, the colour yellow, the season of autumn or fall, the direction of east and the timing of dusk. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
The key words connected with the suit of Swords include analysis, articulation, cleverness, direction, ethical, forthright, honest, incisive, intellectual, knowledgeable, literate, logical, moral, quick-witted and well-informed.
I use Tarot cards from the Suit of Swords in my Protection Spell casting for protection, cleansing and ridding negative energies.
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