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Here you'll find information for Numerology 2 Life Path number.
Your Life Path number is found by reducing the digits in your birth date to one (or in some cases) two digits.
An Example
For someone whose birth date is 13th September 1975, the Life Path Number would be derived as follows:
The birth date is written in numbers: 13.9.1975 (or 9.13.1975) in North America).
The numbers of your birth date are then reduced to a single number, or in some special cases two numbers called Master Numbers.
Start by adding the day, month and year together. In this example 13+9+1975, which reveals 1997.
Each of these digits is added together: 1+9+9+7, to produce 26. These digits are added together, 2+6, to produce a Life Path number of 8.
A Master Number is produced when you are left with 11, 22, 33. These numbers are not reduced further.
This Numerology 2 page is part of my Numerology Meanings series...
People with Life Path Numerology 2 are sensitive, caring and love to help others. They love balance, harmony and a peaceful existence. People with Life Path Numerology 2 are extremely intuitive and can sense feelings and emotions of others and are often seen as very good listeners, advisers and counsellors.
Number Twos can be quite shy and introverted and keep things hidden and under the surface. They make very good and true friends and are loyal and loving to love partners. Family and home mean everything to people with Life Path Numerology 2 and they like nothing better than the comfort and warmth of a loving home.
Number Twos are extremely patient with others and work well in areas that demand this trait such as teaching, nursing or therapy work. People with Life Path Numerology 2 are natural healers and therapists and those who choose this path are usually very successful and productive.
Number Two destiny path people make perfect diplomats as their diplomacy, tact and ability to see both sides of an argument is second to none.
With a life path number of 2 you are a naturally gifted healer, therapist and counsellor. Your strong intuition, desire to help and heal and ability to get on with a wide range of people make you ideally suited to this type of work. You can also use your 'people' skills in order to teach others. Your immense patience makes you perfect for a career in teaching.
Another career path that you can also excel in is in the fields of politics or law because of your tact, diplomacy and negotiation skills.
You are a traditional romantic and love the idea of being in love. You need a partner in your life to feel whole and the single life is not suited to you. You love to be loved and are a very faithful, loving and devoted love partner. Marriage, commitment and the chance to have a family are very important to you.
You are also a very good and loyal friend. Your ability to really listen to what others have to say, coupled with your caring and considerate nature makes you a very good friend to have around.
Because of your sensitive nature you can get hurt by the thoughtless and tactless words of others.
As you have a keen desire for balance in your life, you will always strive to have enough money to balance your finances. You hate to be indebted to anyone and would rather do without than spiral downwards into bad debt situations.
You do like to live comfortably and have a keen eye for beautiful things. Add to this, your desire to treat your loved ones with gifts and it is almost impossible to keep your finances balanced.
A Money Spell is the perfect solution for you.
Your sensitivity to the needs of others, and your modesty, will draw them to you. They will not feel threatened by you and you will be a good listener. Your advice and guidance is founded on sensitivity and good sense.
You will be helped by a strong spiritual connection too. Your Inner Voice will help you to decide and your inner sense will help you see things others can't.
You will benefit from a strong spiritual connection and developed psychic sense. If you are not developed in this way, it will become a blockage for you and you will make wrong decisions.
Also, you might be inclined to introversion, and become timid and reclusive. This is because you are fearful of disappointing people.
You should seek to develop your psychic side to take advantage of your qualities and powers.
Of course having the number 2 as your Life Path Number makes the number 2, one of your lucky numbers. To Find out your other five lucky numbers, derived from a variety of mystical sources Click Here
You are happiest in the company of others and love the comfort, warmth and security of being surrounded by loved ones. You thrive best in a loving and equal relationship with a love partner and do not do well alone. You also need the companionship and support from loved ones.
You have an eye for beauty and like your environment to be comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. You have a need for balance and harmony in the home and prefer natural materials such as stone, wood or leather to furnish and decorate your home, over manmade materials.
You are sensitive and considerate and other people will benefit from these compassionate feelings and will often seek you out for help and advice, and also to ask you to decide on who is right and who is wrong in disputes.
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