Numerology 7 Meaning
Numerology 7
Calculating Your Life Path Number
Here you'll find information for Numerology 7 Life Path number.
Your Life Path number is found by reducing the digits in your birth date to one (or in some cases) two digits.
An Example
For someone whose birth date is 13th September 1975, the Life Path Number would be derived as follows:
The birth date is written in numbers: 13.9.1975 (or 9.13.1975) in North America).
The numbers of your birth date are then reduced to a single number, or in some special cases two numbers called Master Numbers.
Start by adding the day, month and year together. In this example 13+9+1975, which reveals 1997.
Each of these digits is added together: 1+9+9+7, to produce 26. These digits are added together, 2+6, to produce a Life Path number of 8.
A Master Number is produced when you are left with 11, 22, 33. These numbers are not reduced further.
The Meaning of the Number 7
This Numerology 7 page is part of my Numerology Meanings series...
People with Life Path Numerology 7 are thinkers. They possess clear, analytical minds with he ability to have truly original and inspiring ideas.
Number Sevens can be very charming, quick witted and very inspiring and motivating to others. They exude charisma and have many admirers and followers who respect them and hold them in very high regard.
Number Sevens like to work alone and have the time and space to concentrate their mind without the distraction of others. Numbers 7 destiny path people like to have things done their way and are fiercely independent and do not like to rely on others for help.
People with Life Path Numerology 7 have a wonderful sense of humour and when added to their quick wit can easily become the life and soul of any party.
Work, Career or Vocation for Numerology 7
With a life path number of 7 you are exceptionally intelligent and articulate. Your unconventional yet brilliant mind allows you to have some very original beliefs, ideas and concepts. You are anything but ordinary. In fact if you put your mind to it you could lead an extraordinary life. Your clear analytic mind coupled with your natural charm and charisma can allow you to excel in any number of careers but science rather than art is your true calling.
Love & Relationships for Life Path 7
Love seems to elude you and you find it difficult to see yourself as tied down to one partner. You are happy enough to be on your own without the intrusion of others into your thoughts and feelings. You do have many admirers but to really attract your attention a potential partner would need to match some of your exceptional gifts and talents.
You are very quick witted and have a dry sense of humour. Because of this you are always popular in social settings and can number many friends. But you rarely get really close to any of these friends and prefer to keep a little distance between you.
Money Destiny for Numerology 7
You are not materialistic and can live a comfortable and productive life
without the trappings of wealth.
However, because of your unique ideas
that are likely to be lucrative, wealth can come easily to you.
A Money Spell is the perfect solution for you.
Happiness, Personal Growth & Spiritual Growth for Life Path 7
You are happy in a crowd, but you truly enjoy quiet mediation, alone with your own thoughts, working out solutions for practical and emotional problems you might have in your life.
You will come up with an idea or invention that will benefit others.
Try not to be distracted by people you distrust. You biggest fault is that you can be suspicious of others. It doesn't matter if they have ulterior motives. What you do and believe in is what counts.
Life Changing Lucky Numbers
Of course having the number 7 as your Life Path Number makes the number 7, one of your lucky numbers. To Find out your other five lucky numbers, derived from a variety of mystical sources Click Here
Numerology 7 Personality
Those lucky enough to be 7 in Numerology are blessed with charm, humility and intelligence. You are likely to be successful at school and college and popular too.
You will be more scientific than artistic, but this will suit you because it is real knowledge that you seek, not imaginary and subjective ideals.
Destiny Path for the Number Seven
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