Orange Colour Meaning for Magic, Healing and Enhancing your Life…
The Colour Meaning of Orange
The Colour Orange is part of my Colour Meanings series...
As I am English, I use the spelling of 'colour' throughout my website, rather than the American version of 'color'.
Orange is a very joyous and vibrant colour. It represents vitality, enthusiasm and excitement. It is a very uplifting and attracting colour.
If you want to attract a man who is adventurous, exciting and energetic, particularly a Sagittarian man, then wear something in this colour. To attract a friendly, sociable and fun loving woman, try wearing something in this colour too.
Orange Colour Meaning
The colour orange represents enthusiasm and adventure. The traditional orange colour meaning is that of happiness. The meaning of orange is also associated with optimism, rejuvenation and spontaneity.
It is a very sociable colour. It stimulates the mind, and renews interest in life, creativity and wanting to be around people. It is a great motivator and boosts self esteem and allows you to accept and be open to exciting change.
Orange Colour Meaning in Healing
In colour therapy and colour healing orange is used for energising and revitalizing. It acts as a pick me up and aids recuperation after a bout of illness. For mental and emotional ailments it is used to aid depressive states, melancholy and grief.
Orange is linked with the Sacral Chakra, which is related to sexuality and reproduction. A balanced Sacral Chakra allows a person to use all their creative energy to the full.
The Crystal Carnelian can aid the Sacral Chakra.
Orange Colour Meaning in Magic and Correspondences
Orange is connected with the Element of Fire, the direction South, the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and the planet of Mercury. It is also connected to the Tarot card of the Magician.
The colour orange is used by Witches for magical purposes such as rituals and Spell work. Aspects associated with this colour are career success, creativity, motivation and inspiration.
Orange Crystals such as Carnelian are used for fertility.
I use orange candles and crystals in the Spells I cast including my Fertility Spells, Money Spells and Weight Loss Spells.
Fertility Spell
Weight Loss Spell
Enhancing your Life with the Colour Orange
Using orange for clothing, decorating your home or just enjoying this colour within nature will help you embrace and explore new and exciting things in your life.
It is thought to be incredibly sociable and you should wear something in this colour when wanting to meet new people and expand your circle of friends.
If you are craving a need for some excitement or freedom to pursue new ideas then include more of this colour into your life.
If you suffer low moods, try to eat orange foods such as carrots,
oranges and pumpkins, wear clothing in this colour and get out into the sunshine
as much as possible.
Place orange crystals such as Carnelian around your home or office to stimulate creativity and the ability to adjust to changes.
Choosing Orange as a Favourite Colour
Choosing orange as a favourite colour indicates that you are a fun person, young at heart and very adaptable. You could be in need of some fun, joy and laughter right now! Orange is a very joyous and vibrant colour. It is said to free and release emotions and it is a great anti-depressant and will lift your spirits.
Creativity and optimism are key words for this choice of colour.
The use of colour, their colour meanings and what they represent are very important in my Magic Spell Casting to change destiny for the better!!!
The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025
A New Moon Spell That Works
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon
Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next
New Moon
by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
Don't miss out on the
coming New Moon January 2025.
Your chance to change your destiny:
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
- Boost your
Ancient Magical Chants
- Attract a new love into your life
- Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
- Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship
- Commence a new career or business
- Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
- Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
- Or any positive purpose you may have
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