Page of Pentacles Tarot Card
The Interpretation and Meaning of the Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles is part of my Tarot Card Meanings series...
The Page of Pentacles is one of the Court cards in the suit of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. The Pentacles are also known as discs or Coins in different Tarot decks.
All the Pages of each of the four suits in the Tarot often represent children, young people or the young at heart. The Pages are also known as Princesses in some Tarot decks. The Pages are traditionally seen as messengers delivering something to the Querent.
Very much like the Fool in the Major Arcana the Pages characterize the qualities of youth and lack of inhibition. Their approach to events is not necessarily weighty or deep in meaning, but they display an expression of daring, spontaneity, and opportunity.
The suit of Pentacles is connected with practicality, security and material goods.
It belongs to the element of Earth, the colour green, the season of winter, the direction of north and the timing of midnight. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
The key words connected with the suit of Pentacles include caution, competence, dependability, determination, enterprise, generosity, hard work, practicality, reliability responsibility, support and trust.
The Page of Pentacles Tarot card meaning is usually concerned with money, luck or an unexpected turn in health and physically describes a child with brown hair with brown or dark eyes.
The Page of Pentacles can be seen as a good omen in Tarot Readings and shows opportunities for money making and material wealth. It indicates new beginnings and fresh starts.
The Page of Pentacles, as with all the Court cards can be a representative of an individual or aspect of a personality. The meaning for this card can symbolize a child, young person or person who is child-like who is not afraid of hard work and likes to earn money. They are very practical and down to earth and can be generous and good-hearted.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerned with love and romance it usually indicates a new romance. This may come from an unexpected place and concern someone who may at first sight seem unsuitable. But it can turn into a flourishing relationship.
The Tarot card meaning for questions concerning career or business in Tarot Readings often represents an entrepreneurial spirit that may sweep over you. You may be presented with opportunities or ideas to create a lucrative business.
The Page of Pentacles Tarot card meaning for questions related to money and finance usually relates to having opportunities presented to you to improve your finances. But this will only prove to be lucrative through your own hard work. Money will not fall from the sky but will need to be earned.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerning health and well being it encourages you to take practical steps to improve or maintain your health. Opportunities to get better results in fitness levels or diet goals may come to you.
If the Page of Pentacles is prominent in a Tarot Spread it can indicate a desire to learn new things. These are most usually practical skills concerned with improving a home and garden.
The Suit of Pentacles
The Suit of Pentacles is connected with practicality, security and material goods.
It belongs to the element of Earth, the colour green, the season of winter, the direction of north and the timing of midnight. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
The key words connected with the Suit of Pentacles include caution, competence, dependability, determination, enterprise, generosity, hard work, practicality, reliability responsibility, support and trust.
I use Tarot cards from the Suit of Pentacles in my Money Spell casting and for general abundance, prosperity, health and security manifestation.
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