Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Step One - The Green Witches Coven Creed

A monochromatic green scene with four individuals in dark clothing, gathered around a large tree. A pentagram symbol is overlaid at the top center, and the text “Green Witches Coven” is displayed in an elegant font across it. The setting appears to be outdoors, with grass and trees visible under a clear sky. The overall tone of the image suggests a theme related to nature and possibly witchcraft or a spiritual group.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed is Step One of the Lessons from the Green Witches Coven. An online Coven of Witches sharing tips on Witchcraft and casting Spells that work with harm to none!

Tap the button to jump to the Quiz to test your Knowledge of the Wiccan Creed. (You can do this before you start and/or after.)

This page was created for members of the Green Witches Coven. If you are a already a member of the Coven then please enjoy this page. If you are not yet a member of the Green Witches Coven but would like to be then please join, then go HERE.

Image of an indoor Wiccan altar in a dimly lit room, with two young female witches, one brunette and one blonde, dressed in ceremonial robes and casting a spell beside candles, crystals, and a cauldron.

Much has been written and discussed about the historical roots, variations, and interpretations of what is known as the Wiccan Rede, the Rede of Wiccae, or the Witches Creed.

The debate continues among Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches, but one thing is certain: the ethics that Witches strive to live by are poetically and succinctly summed up in eight little words.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
The Core Ethical Statement

“If it harms none, do what you will.”

These eight words, despite variations in spellings, hold the fundamental basis of how a Witch, or a Wiccan, should strive to live their life.

Although these words seem simple and the sentence they make up incredibly short, the instruction they give is very difficult to apply correctly to every aspect of daily life.

Some misread the instructions true meaning and take “do what you will” to mean that you can do absolutely anything you want without consequence. But the crux of the sentence is “if it harms none.”

Every action you take has a consequence and it is your duty to be mindful of any possible harm you may cause to others, to creatures, to the planet and to yourself.

Add to this the Threefold Law which states that any harm or good that a Witch, or anyone else for that matter, does to someone else comes back to harm or benefit them - magnified three times over.

It is of course impossible to cause absolutely no harm to everything and everyone. We need to eat food to keep healthy but harm may have been caused to produce that food, for example. This could be the harming of insects to produce healthy crops or even the harm caused to animals to provide food for meat eaters.

And what about self defense? Who could condemn the harming of the mosquito whose only aim in life is to harm us humans!

Commonsense needs to be applied to the ‘harm to none’ portion of the sentence. And that is why we here at the Green Witches Coven, amongst other Craft practitioners have incorporated the additional words of “If it causes harm, do as you must’.

Indoor Gathering: A cozy room with natural and candle lighting. Witch Hats: Individuals wearing witch hats around a table. Candles and Plants: Table adorned with candles; room filled with greenery. Mystical Decor: Shelves with various items, cauldron on the floor, enhancing the mystical theme.

The Simplicity and Complexity

 Although the sentence is incredibly short, the instruction is difficult to apply correctly to every aspect of daily life. Some misinterpret "do what you will" as a license to do anything without considering the consequences. However, the essence of the statement is “if it harms none.”

Considering Consequences

Every action has a consequence. It is the duty of a Witch to be mindful of any possible harm that may be caused to others, creatures, the planet, and oneself.

The Threefold Law

This principle states that any harm or good that a Witch, or anyone else for that matter, does to someone else will return to them, magnified three times over.

The Reality of Harm

It is impossible to cause no harm at all. For instance, producing food involves some level of harm, whether it is harming insects to grow healthy crops or animals to provide meat.

Self-Defense and Practicality

 Who could condemn harming a mosquito whose only aim is to harm us? Commonsense must be applied to the ‘harm to none’ portion of the statement.

Adaptation by the Green Witches Coven

Acknowledging these complexities, we at the Green Witches Coven, along with other Craft practitioners, have incorporated additional words: “If it causes harm, do as you must.”

Green Witches Coven Creed

Very old book.

Hear now these words we bestow

To dare, to will, to be silent, to know
Forget not what you reap is what you sow

Be fair to all with whom the planet you share
Give and take fairly and be always aware
To live and let live with kindness and care

The Wheel of the Year ye must celebrate
Honour what the God and Goddess create
Especially on the significant eight

Be ever mindful of the law of three
As good and bad come back to thee
Not just once but times by three

Stay clear of fools and their foolish mind
Lest you be counted amongst their kind
Your name with theirs forever entwined

Loving and faithful to a lover be
Give thought, word and deed in equal degree
But sever ties if they’re not true to thee

Honour thirteen moons throughout the year
Waxing and waning, new and sphere
Praise the Goddess and let her near

And when the moon is full to inspire
With aid from air, earth, water and fire
Chant in rhyme what you desire

The Witches Star keep in your mind
The five point pentacle and circle combined
To protect and guard against evil assigned

Respect and honour your body and mind
Exercise, eat well and treat yourself kind
Then happiness, confidence and peace you’ll find

Surround yourself with friends who are true
Be as kind and caring as they are to you
Then they’ll always be there for you to turn to

Think wisely, speak thoughtfully and listen much
To concentrate, meditate, affirm and such
Always apply a gentle touch

In these words you should place your trust
If it harms none, do what you will
If it causes harm, do as you must

Enchanted forest setting with an ancient oak tree, surrounded by a circle of candles and herbs, depicting a mystical atmosphere for a Green Witches Coven.

The Interpretation of the Wiccan Creed

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse One

Hear now these words we bestow
To dare, to will, to be silent, to know
Forget not what you reap is what you sow

Successful Magic is dependent upon the principles underpinning the phrase of "To Know, To Dare, To Will and To Keep Silent". In order to combine all the necessary elements that make for successful Spell casting you must:

  • Know - Know yourself, have knowledge of the Craft and have clear in your mind what you want to achieve from a Spell.
  • Dare - Have the courage of your convictions, have confidence in your abilities and take the necessary actions to put all that you know to good use to make an effective Spell.
  • Will - So you may know what you want, have the courage to get it, but do you really, really want it? An intense desire is the will you’ll need to succeed.
  • Keep Silent - Making known to all and sundry what, why and how you have used your knowledge of Magic is as sure fire way to have any Spell at best not work and at worst backfire upon you. A Spell is a request “spelled’ out to the Universe. Let it be heard without interference. Give the Universe time and chance to hear the request and not have to listen to constant chatter and gossip about it.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Two

Be fair to all with whom the planet you share
Give and take fairly and be always aware
To live and let live with kindness and care

This portion of the Green Witches Coven Creed is self explanatory and gives sound advice on fair treatment, equality and sensitivity. A good knowledge and awareness of other cultures, environmental issues and how we treat animals is essential to making educated and informed choices on how to live our lives. When ignorance “marries” prejudice they become the parents of intolerance, hatred and war.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Three

The Wheel of the Year ye must celebrate
Honour what the God and Goddess create
Especially on the significant eight

The Wheel of the Year is marked by Sabbats, which are seasonal festivals celebrating and acknowledging the cycles of nature as it turns through its seasons. The eight Sabbats are the Summer and Winter Solstices, the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes and four fire festivals – Samhain (Halloween), Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. (Other traditions may use slightly different names for the Sabbats.)

These Sabbats help you tune in to the seasons and the cyclical characteristics of Nature. The festivals historically mark important times in the agricultural cycle of the year. All of the eight Sabbats were celebrated in the Ancient world in some form or other and honoured gods and goddesses in their various guises.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Four

Be ever mindful of the law of three
As good and bad come back to thee
Not just once but times by three

Similar to the Law of Attraction, the Law of Three is more concerned with words and deeds rather than thoughts. So by thinking in a positive way, you will attract to you positive elements according to the Law of Attraction, so it goes that by acting in a positive way, positive things will happen to you. Furthermore, this Law of Threefold Return maintains that the worth of any good deed you do will be returned to you three times in this life.

Similarly any bad deed you do will also be returned to you three times more in value.

In other words, good deeds are magnified back to the doer, but so are ill deeds.

It encourages you to think about the effect your actions have on others. You are responsible for the consequences of anything that you do, whether good or bad. Anything you send out returns to you threefold. It is clear that it is important to avoid doing harm to others and doing good will actually improve your life.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Five

Stay clear of fools and their foolish mind
Lest you be counted amongst their kind
Your name with theirs forever entwined

People judge you on the company you keep, be around fools and their foolish ways and you will be seen to be foolish.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Six

Loving and faithful to a lover be
Give thought, word and deed in equal degree
But sever ties if they’re not true to thee

So many women and some men hold onto bad, abusive, unfaithful and unequal relationships for far too long. This section of the Green Witches Coven Creed maintains that you must leave any relationship that is not providing you with an equal amount of energy, effort, love, support and faithfulness that you put in.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Seven

Honour thirteen moons throughout the year
Waxing and waning, new and sphere
Praise the Goddess and let her near

Each year there are approximately 13 lunar cycles in which the moon goes through its waning, new, waxing and full moon phases. The full moon phase of the lunar cycle represents the peak of moon energy. Referred to by most Witches as Esbats the full moon evening is simply the best time to celebrate and honour the Goddess of the Moon.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Eight

And when the moon is full to inspire
With aid from air, earth, water and fire
Chant in rhyme what you desire

And the full moon phase of the lunar cycle is the best time to Spell cast and call upon the elements of air, earth, water and fire to combine to aid the Spells success.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Nine

The Witches Star keep in your mind
The five point pentacle and circle combined
To protect and guard against evil assigned

This refers to the pentacle, (sometimes named the pentagram) which is the five pointed Witches Star encased by a circle which is used in Magic Spell work and in rituals by Witches. Each point of the star is associated with a particular element and the circle represents the God/Goddess. It is the single most protective symbol used by Witches and is often imagined in the mind’s eye in times of threat.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Ten

Respect and honour your soul, body and mind
Exercise, eat well and treat yourself kind
Then happiness, confidence and peace you’ll find

This section refers to ensuring you are the healthiest and best person you can be.

Your physical appearance should be the best you can make it. This means striving for a healthy shape and weight by dumping the junk food, eating only good unprocessed nutritious food, drinking water and doing daily exercise. Good hair, nails, clear complexion and feeling good about yourself naturally follows this healthy regimen. Mentally, you need to strive to learn new and varied things continually.

The natural outcome of a healthy body and mind is a real boost in self esteem and a boosted confidence. You'll feel good because you look good and feel confident that you have valid views and opinions on a wide range of subjects. And there is nothing more attractive than a confident, happy and interesting person.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Eleven

Surround yourself with friends who are true
Be as kind and caring as they are to you
Then they’ll always be there for you to turn to

Surround yourself with positive, uplifting and confident friends whom treat you with respect and want the best for you. Take interest and pleasure in all that they do and say and they’ll do the same in return for you. Rid from your life any negative people who drag you down, sap your energy or take more than they give.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Twelve

Think wisely, speak thoughtfully and listen much
To concentrate, meditate, affirm and such
Always apply a gentle touch

Think carefully before you speak, give opinion or advice. Listen to what others are truly saying. Your hasty words may need to be retracted later or worse still be acted upon with dire consequences.

Listen to the advice from others and take time to consider, contemplate and mediate before deciding which path to take.

Try not to argue with others, raise your voice or speak in anger. First withdraw, take time to consider your best course of action.

Meditate and use affirmation and visualization techniques to help create the life you want to live.

Understanding the Wiccan Creed
Verse Thirteen

In these words you should place your trust
If it harms none, do what you will
If it causes harm, do as you must

See the introduction to the Green Witches Coven Creed for the full discussion of the final segment of the Creed.

Witches Coven

Completing Step One of the Green Witches Coven

  • Create Your Grimoire. Acquire a large plain paper book or journal. This will act as your Magical Journal (or Grimoire)
  • Hand write the Green Witches Coven Creed into your Magical Journal and think about what the words mean to you.
  • Write it out with care and consider what each of the 13 verses means in your life now. Make notes on the ways you can make immediate changes now and in the near future by incorporating some of the messages from the Creed into your life.
  • Consider having a Coven Spell Cast (see below). Incorporating a Coven Spell Cast as part of your initiation into our coven is not only a transformative step but also a powerful way to deepen your connection with the Wiccan Creed. By participating in a Coven Spell Cast at a significant discount, you have the unique opportunity to experience firsthand the strength and unity of collective spellwork. This practice will enhance your understanding and mastery of the craft while supporting your personal spiritual journey and integration into the coven.
  • Take The Quiz (below) to test your knowledge and see how far you have come in Understanding the Wiccan Creed.

Order Your Coven Spell

I've lowered the cost of this Special Powerful Spell and it's only available to Coven members at this special low price.

It is my lowest priced Spell ever, although still as powerful as my full priced Spells.

I use an ancient formula in this Coven Spell to truly enhance the positive energies of Mother Nature and the Universe.

You can have this Spell Cast to:

  • Attract Love, Money and Success
  • Attract Money and Wealth
  • Reunite with an Ex-Lover

It will also deepen your connection with the Craft and enhance your understanding of the mysteries of Witchcraft, supporting your magical growth.

Coven Spell

After you click/tap "Buy Now" and make payment, simply enter and submit your details below on my Instant Buy Spell Form.

After ordering and supplying details I'll email you a full account of the Spell I will cast on your behalf.


Click Here
to send me your details

I will need your full name and date of birth

Within 24 hours I will email you with confirmation and more details

When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Conditions

The Wiccan Creed Quiz (Answers at the End)

  1. How should a Witch strive to live their life according to the Green Witches Coven Creed?
    A) "Do what you want"
    B) "If it harms none, do what you will"
    C) "Cause harm if necessary"
  2. What does the Law of Three state?
    A) Good deeds are rewarded once
    B) Bad deeds are magnified three times
    C) Every action has a consequence
  3. Which festival marks the peak of moon energy according to the Creed?
    A) Samhain
    B) Beltane
    C) Full Moon
  4. What symbol is used for protection and guard against evil in Witchcraft?
    A) Hexagram
    B) Pentacle
    C) Crescent Moon
  5. What is the best time for Spell casting according to the Creed?
    A) New Moon
    B) Full Moon
    C) Waning Moon
  6. How many lunar cycles are there in a year approximately?
    A) 10
    B) 12
    C) 13
  7. What is the purpose of creating positive energy according to the content?
    A) To attract negativity
    B) To live an abundant life
    C) To cause harm to others

Correct Answers:

  1. B) "If it harms none, do what you will"
  2. C) Every action has a consequence
  3. C) Full Moon
  4. B) Pentacle
  5. B) Full Moon
  6. C) 13
  7. B) To live an abundant life

triptych of woman casting a spell at an Altar.

Creating positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.  

The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025

A woman dressed in black casting spells at ther altar

A New Moon Spell That Works

Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!


Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.

Don't miss out on the coming New Moon January 2025.
Your chance to change your destiny:

You may want a New Moon Spell to:

  • Boost your Ancient Magical Chants
  • Attract a new love into your life
  • Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
  • Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship

  • Commence a new career or business
  • Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
  • Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
  • Or any positive purpose you may have


Ali says
"Hello dear Alizon ☺️ I wish you a happy new year, good health and happiness for the future. I just have to thank you again for the Soulmate spell you performed for me, I finally met a wonderful girl and it's going so wonderfully between us, it can't be described in words, we want to get married next summer 😊 I think I owe it all to your magic. You are such a wonderful personality and a blessing to this world ✨ Light and Love from me"

Liz from the US says
"You cast a spell for me in August 2022 and I want to thank you for your sincere efforts on my behalf. The spell was very successful. I will use your services again. You help many people. Thank you again!"

Christine from Stamford, Connecticut, USA says
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Thomas from Muir, Switzerland says
"You cast a Money Spell for me. My turnover increased 70% during the last three months! You helped me in a great way."

Terrence from Sacramento, California USA
"I wanted to thank you for the Money Spell you cast for me. I have seen immediate results and look forward to the continuous positive energy. Blessings to you."

Alexa Aurora, Colorado USA
"Hi! Again, thank you for all your work on the Money Spell. There have been amazing positive energies flowing around my finances already."

Judith from Wrexham, North Wales, UK
"I just wanted to thank you for casting the Full Moon Triple Cast Love Spell from the bottom of my heart. I know the full moon can be powerful but I didn’t expect such great results so soon."

Charles from Smithfield, Queensland, Australia "Thank you so much for the amazing and fantastic extreme success you had in the Return Lover Spell you did. Within 24hrs my ex contacted me and wanted to see me straight away. I could not believe it. It was amazing."

Lynne from Topeka, Kansas, USA
"You cast an Attraction Spell for me. It took several weeks to work, but when it did, it worked like ... well like magic! I have found the most wonderful, perfect, man in the world for me!"

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
"Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Nina from Picton, NSW, Australia
"I just wanted to share with you the best news ever! Your Fertility Spell worked! I’ve waited so long for this to happen and I’m over the moon. Thank you so much Alizon."

Yvette from Singapore
"The Psychic Ability Spell you cast has begun to work. I can sense the connections with spirit much stronger than before. I have been more and more sensitive to other "beings" around me also."

David from Georgia, USA
"Just so you'll know I recently purchased a Reunite Spell from you. It worked!!! It had been two and a half months since I heard from my ex. Less than a week after your spell she reached out to me through Facebook."

Elpo from Middlesex, UK
" Dear Alizon, I don't know how to express my joy to you .... I can only wish all the best in your life and lots of blessings !! The Reunite Spell worked the same day, I am back on track with my lover."

Andrea from South Australia
" Just to let you know that I`ve got the job I wanted with the Prosperity Spell you did. Thank you very much. It is unbelievable."

Tiffany from Sarasota, Florida, USA
" I want to thank you for the Binding Spell you did for me. It brought ******* back to me! So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!"

Julia from San Diego, USA
"I was so pleased with the Love Spell you cast for me last week! I had results the very next day. Thank you, blessed be."


I would like to thank you SO much again. You are so gifted and I'm lucky to have found you and receive your energy. I had instant results AGAIN with the Money Spell you cast for me!"

Leonora from Ottawa, Canada
"You cast a Fertility Spell for me and I had twins!"

Jessica from Northern Carolina, USA
"I ordered Custom Spell from you over 2 or 3 weeks ago and I would just like to share my success. A lot of things are opening up for me. Multiple job opportunities, I feel great, energized and my ex boyfriend and I are back together. Thanks again for your amazing work."

Cassandra from New South Wales, Australia
"Just to let you know that my lover and I have united and we are now a couple because of the Return Lover Spell you cast for me. And, thank you. We are a very connected pair, consider ourselves soul mates and through your help, are now together."

Louise from Sheffield, United Kingdom
"Everything is perfect with me and ****.The Commitment Spell you cast me he asked me to marry him the very next day! This is the happiest I’ve ever been."

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
< "Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Sharon from Windsor, Pennsylvania USA
"Alizon - I wanted to let you know that there were serious signs of a commitment from ****** from the Commitment Spell you cast right away - the next day. Thank you for what you've done so for, many blessings and love to you."

Angie from Cornwall, UK
" Thank you for the first two spells that you cast for me, a Soul Mate Spell and a Success Spell - they have been very effective."

Richard, Reston, Virginia, USA
"Thank you! You did a Soul Mate Spell for me and within weeks, it quite an unusual way, I met my soulmate! I’ve never been happier."

Gurpreet from Birmingham, United Kingdom
"Hello Alizon, I just wanted to thank you for making my relationship possible! I had no idea that your Attraction Spell would work so fast! I am extremely grateful to you for making my muse into a reality. I can most definitely say I am the happiest girl on the planet right now!"

Shelley from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
"I cannot believe how different I am after you cast the Confidence Spell for me. I felt the positive energy straight away and am starting a course in self development. Thank you for guiding me."


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Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.

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