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What does a blue Aura mean? Having some blue Aura or energy field surrounding you can point to a number of personality traits. Totally blue Auras are quite rare but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colours in people with strong personalities.
People with some blue in their Aura are the master communicators of the world. They have the ability to convey their thoughts, ideas, views and concepts eloquently and charismatically. They make for excellent writers, poets and politicians.
Blue Aura people are known for their sensitivity and deeply felt emotions. They are very perceptive, have good instincts and have a strong intuition to guide them in decision making. They also tend to have a vivid imagination and intense feelings. Plenty of poets, writers and artists have a blue Aura.
Blue Aura people are optimistic and open to opportunities that are presented to them.
What is an Aura?
Let me explain about Auras and what they mean, regardless of colour. Auras are the luminescent energy fields that surrounds people, animals and all over living things . An Aura can consist of many vibrant colours and each colour has a different meaning.
Auras are beautiful, vibrant and protective. However if they become damaged via physical or mental trauma they can take on stains of deeper colours. Some of these colours can become too dominant and that is when more problems can occur.
Having some blue in an Aura means a person are also highly intelligent and very intuitive. They certainly have the head and heart balanced in making difficult decisions and choices. They are incredibly good organisers and can motivate and inspire others.
Kindness and
consideration come naturally to people with some blue in their Auras. This is
directed not just to people they love but to the wider world.
People who have a some blue in their Auras are peacemakers and have the ability to calmly smooth out angry situations. They prize truthfulness, direct communication and clarity in all their relationships. They can be very affectionate too and like to lavish their time and energy on their loved ones.
People who have some light blue in their Aura can be very charming, quick witted and very inspiring and motivating to others. They exude charisma and have many admirers. They are exceptionally intelligent, articulate and charming.
Blue Aura people tend to be generous with their time and energy and go out of their way to help people in need. Self sacrifice comes easily to them. They are people pleasers and enjoy helping others.
People who have some light blue in their Aura tend to be very accepting of others with the ability to relate to many and varied people. They are just as relaxed and at home in the company of either paupers or princes. Harmony and peaceful interactions are very important to people with light blue in their Auras. They pride themselves on their honesty and integrity and have the ability to see many different points of view. Because of these traits they find themselves well liked and respected.
Many actors, musicians and politicians have a some light blue in their Aura these include George Clooney, Bono and Richard Gere.
The downside of the Blue Aura personality is that they can take on too much, become workaholics and neglect their personal relationships. They also dislike change and fear anything new and can be quite stubborn. This stubbornness coupled with the dislike of change can mean they become very set in their ways.
People who have a lot of dark blue in their Aura tend to be overly-sensitive and can be quite moody. They also have a tendency for over thinking, procrastination and indecision.
Having predominantly dark blue in an Aura means a tendency to suffer from low self-esteem and self-belief. Becoming too pessimistic and always looking on the dark side of life is common in people who have too much dark blue within their Aura.
If there are very dark blemishes within your Aura it can lead to feelings of restlessness and being on-edge. The negative energy surrounding your Aura can be very draining and you may suffer from being easily fatigued, suffering brain fog and enduring insomnia.
Becoming irritable is also a problem for you within relationships and you may lose friends because of this. Having a dark blue Aura can mean you may have difficulty concentrating and have little interest in meeting new people or experiencing new adventures.
If you have too much dark blue in your Aura you are likely to have had a troubled past life. You may have some bad Karma from your past lives and you will need to address this if you are to live a healthy, vibrant and full life now. Aura cleansing can help with this.
If the predominant colour of your Aura is too much blue you may succumb to feelings of depression. Too much blue in an Aura can literally make you feel blue, sad and gloomy.
In Aura Readings a gifted Psychic can not only identify your predominant Aura color or colors but also any blemishes, patches or streaks of darker colors that may be holding you back and preventing you living the type of life you want for yourself.
We all know of the phrases "seeing red", being "green with envy", "feeling blue" and having a "yellow streak". These undoubtedly have their basis in the colors of the Aura.
A cowardly person could very well have deep yellow streaks throughout their Aura. A jealous and envious individual will display deep green blotches throughout their Aura,
Someone suffering from depression or low moods generally has a predominance of dark blue patches in their Auras. And angry, volatile and hot tempered people normally have large amounts of dark red in their Auras.
Each Aura color is related to the characteristics and personality traits of individuals.
If you send me a recent head and shoulders picture I can detect what color is dominant in your Aura. I can also check if your Aura is tinged and tainted with deep and dark colored streaks, blotches, shadows or patches. These unwanted blemishes in the Aura can come from traumatic events in past lives or emotional, physical or mental pressures in a present life. This manifests itself as dark, dull Aura colors.
I can detect these negative blemishes within your Aura colors and use gentle but powerful Minoan Energy Healing to repair your Aura.
I can restore your Aura to contain a wide range of iridescent colors – similar to mother of pearl.
The Chakras are the invisible cogwheels within our bodies that if kept open and free flowing keep us healthy and happy. When they are blocked problems will occur with mental, emotional and physical health. Free flowing Chakras help you to process the universal energies that are around your Aura and within you. An Aura is the luminous energy field that surrounds you.
We are born with a clear, bright, glowing and vibrant Aura which attracts positive energies to us and repels negative energies. Over time the Aura can get tinged and tainted with dark shadows or clouds attracting unwanted negative energies. This blemished Aura can leave you feeling stressed, tired, unbalanced, unhappy and depressed. It can also attract even more negative energies, negative and strained relationships, difficult and testing circumstances and general feelings of struggle and stress.
So we need both smooth running internal cogwheels (Chakras) for health and well being and a vibrant Aura containing many colors and many layers. These layers intermingle and convey information through the seven Chakra energy centers and to the external environment.
Have Your Aura Cleansed and Chakras Energized. Chakra Energizing and Aura Cleansing involves each of the 7 major Chakras being individually and powerfully energized.
Cast within 24 hours by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
A powerful Cleansing Ritual to purify and energize your Aura and Chakras to heal and protect your body and spirit.
CLICK HERE to send me your details
Within 24 hours I will email your detailed Aura Cleansing schedule and provide instructions on how to send me
your photograph to assess your Aura and connect you psychically.
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If you've tried to use the Law of Attraction methods to attract health, wealth and happiness toward you without success there could be a good reason for it.
It is most likely that either your Chakras are blocked via past
negative experiences, ill health, stress or worry or your Aura is
blemished, tainted or damaged via painful and fearful emotions.
of the future, feeling insecure and powerless are all negative emotions
associated with a life lacking direction, security and stability.
Blocked Chakras holding onto negative emotions will seep into your Aura
causing dark and negative energies to surround you.
And as the
Law of Attraction states 'like attracts like', so you are very unlikely
to attract the type of life you want for yourself without help.
you Aura Cleansed and Chakras Energized will dispel the negative
energies surrounding you and replace them with only positive energies
that are very attracting of positive people, experiences and
You will be sending out the powerful message that you want your desires to be fulfilled.
clear, bright and glowing Aura and free flowing Chakras are essential
in living a successful, fulfilling and happy life and is very
Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
111 Ritual
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