What is Candle Magic?
So, What is Candle Magic?
If you are asking What is Candle Magic? you may already know!
Candle magic is perhaps the easiest and most recognisable form of Spell
casting and is something you've probably already done many times over
your lifetime.
The simple act of blowing out the candles on your
birthday cake and making a wish is in fact a very simple form of Candle
A burning candle is a representative of the element of fire.
Fire is the element of the South and the time that the sun moves from
dawn to midday. So practising Candle Magic at this time of day would be
most beneficial.
The Moon phase associated with the element of
fire is that of the Full Moon with Motherhood aspect of the Goddess.
it makes sense that any Candle Magic Spells you cast for yourself should
be timed around the full moon phase.
The Four Elements
Burning Candles represent all the four elements.
It's important that magical resources and correspondences are connected
to Spirit through the Elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water.
Air - The plumes from the burning candle represent Air
Earth - The solid state of the hard candle represents the Earth
Fire - The flame of a lit candle represents the element Fire
Water - The flowing melted wax represents the liquidity of the element Water
This provides a ribbon of connectivity between you, the Elements and the Universe which grants wishes and enables achievement and success in our lives, when called upon successfully.
The Crystals Chart
any form of Spell casting special importance is placed upon the
meanings of colours. Each colour corresponds with a vibration, with an
energy, with an element and with a desired outcome.
So you will need to have knowledge of the correct colour of candle to use in your Spell casting.
For Spells to manifest money and wealth one would normally use green
candles, for love, sex and confidence the colours are red or pink.
candles can be used to increase your psychic abilities. Blue is often
used in healing Spells and for spiritual purity. But you can always use
white candles as a substitute for any colour.
Here's a useful chart to help you select the appropriate candle for the relevant Spell. There's also a column which indicates the best day for performing Candle magic for each colour and use.
Enhancing and Connecting with Your Candle Magic
I pay particular attention to all my Spells and the colour
associations and correspondences related to them. I also find it useful
to charge and enchant my candles by simply exposing them to the light of
the Full Moon overnight during the monthly Full Moon Phase.
You can "batch" enchant and charge a collection of variously coloured candles in one night for future use in your Spell Casting.
will also need to connect to your chosen candle by anointing it with
essential oils that corresponds to your wish, aim or goal. The Chart
above indicates the preferred oil for each particular purpose.
a few drops of the appropriate oil and, while focusing on your intent, gently anoint the
candle with the oil. Once anointed you can proceed with your Spell
Candle Magic Spell Casting
Spell casting can have miraculous effects and manifest very quickly
with amazing results in terms of health, wealth and happiness.
Spells can literally change your destiny for the better, and the simplest form of Spell Casting is Candle magic
Once you have decided on the kind of Spell you wish to Cast, either to attract Love, attract Money and Wealth, for Protection, Health or Happiness, or whatever your wish may be, select the appropriate Candle and plan the best day for your Spell Casting according to the Chart above.
What is Candle Magic? Here's the Candle Magic Ritual!
On the appropriate day, and with the appropriate Candle, prepare your Space.
a quiet time and a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. If you
have an Altar, place your candle there. If you don't have an Altar, you
can convert any table, shelf, or even just a box on the floor into an
appropriate space for your Candle Magic. Ideally, cover your makeshift
Altar with a purple cloth, or any cloth, or even a towel will do.
Anoint your Candle with oil and make sure it is placed safely on a fire proof dish.
your eyes and imagine yourself having your heart's desire. Open your
eyes and light your candle. Then say out loud 3 times:
"With energies bright
In love and light
My heart's desire bring to me
With harm to none
So mote it be"
Allow the candle to burn down. (Do not leave the lit candle unattended!)
The following day bury the stub of candle wax and any debris contained within it into the soil of a garden or even a potted plant.
This is a very simple Candle Magic Spell for you to try at home but if you want or need a more powerful Spell you then follow the link below:
Magic Spell Casting
Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some voluntary charity work.
The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025
A New Moon Spell That Works
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon
Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next
New Moon
by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
Don't miss out on the
coming New Moon January 2025.
Your chance to change your destiny:
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
- Boost your
Ancient Magical Chants
- Attract a new love into your life
- Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
- Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship
- Commence a new career or business
- Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
- Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
- Or any positive purpose you may have
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