Wheel of the Year

Introducing the Wheel of the Year

Because Wiccan and Witches honor nature, the Wheel of the Year is marked by Sabbats, which are seasonal festivals celebrating and acknowledging the cycles of nature as it turns through its seasons.

The eight Sabbats are the Summer and Winter Solstices, the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes and four fire festivals - Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas. (Other traditions may use slightly different names for the Sabbats.)

These Sabbats help you tune in to the seasons and the cyclical characteristics of Nature. The festivals historically mark important times in the agricultural cycle of the year. All of the eight Sabbats were celebrated in the Ancient world in some form or other.

Wheel of the Year Ostara

For Witches, the Wheel (or Circle) is symbolic of the way the Universe is viewed. As a Witch I worship in Circles; I see cycles in the months, the year, and in my life. The continual turning of these cycles return to their original points of their start.

Life is forever changing and yet stays the same. Winter always follows Autumn, which follows Summer, which inevitably follows Spring. The grain is harvested, eaten, and replanted from the previous cycles seeds. Just as we are born into light from darkness, we will pass into darkness and be born again into the light of a new world.

This way of viewing the Universe is shown clearly in The Wheel of the Year calendar of Sabbats. The theme of forever changing yet remaining constant is played out in the form of rhythmic interaction of the God and Goddess.

With each turn of the Wheel the Lord is born, grows in strength, courts and wins the hand of the Lady, and then allows himself to weaken and die, that life can be renewed with the next turning of the Wheel.

The Goddess, however, is constant throughout the year. Ever eternal, she changes from Maiden to Mother to Crone; she never dies but is forever the giver of life and spirit.


witches table

Samhain on 31st October is known more commonly as Halloween and is when the Wiccan year commences. It is the most important festival of the Witch’s year; it is the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. On this night, the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. It is believed this night is very significant for divination, as it belongs neither to the old year nor yet to the new one.

It is at Samhain that we bid farewell to the Sun God as he fades away into the darkness, having given his life at the harvest for us, his children. This absence is just temporary, however as he is born once again to the Goddess at Yule.

At Samhain the Goddess takes her role as older wise woman and turns her Crone face to us at this Sabbat. At this time Witches look to her for guidance. Samhain is the only one of the eight Sabbats that deals with death. It is a time to remember past loved ones, and also a time to look to the future.

Unique Samhain Spell

Discover the transformative power of Alizon's exclusive Samhain Spell, designed to harness the mystical energies of this ancient Celtic festival. As the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds thins, Samhain marks a time of deep reflection, honoring ancestors, and embracing the spirit of change. Alizon's carefully crafted spell captures the essence of this sacred time, helping you to release the past, manifest your desires, and step boldly into the next phase of your life.

Allow Alizon's expertise, experience and knowledge guide you on this magical journey, as she create a customized Samhain Spell tailored to your unique needs and intentions. Drawing upon the potent energies of the season, Alizon's spell will empower you to let go of negativity, embrace new beginnings, and cultivate the inner wisdom you seek. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience the transformative power of Samhain magic. Connect with the ancient wisdom of Alizon's ancestors and unlock your full potential with her powerful Samhain Spell.

Spell for Samhain


Advent Candles

As the wheel of the year turns Yule or Winter Solstice occurs near or on December 21, which is the longest darkest night of the year and the shortest day. It brings an end to darkness as the days begin to get longer.

It is a celebration of a welcome return of the Sun God who has been given life by the Goddess. As the Goddess tends her newborn son, she takes a rest, in order to prepare for the change and growth of the coming seasons. This is a time to rejoice, and to look forward to lighter, brighter days.

Unique Yule Spell

Ignite the warmth and light of the Yule season with Alizon's exclusive Yule Spell, specially crafted to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun and the promise of brighter days ahead. As the longest night of the year approaches, Yule signifies a time of hope, renewal, and the triumph of light over darkness. Allow Alizon to guide you on this magical journey, invoking the powerful energies of Yule to manifest your deepest desires and bring about positive change in your life.

Experience the enchanting power of Alizon's Yule Spell, customized to your unique needs and intentions. With a blend of ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon will help you harness the potent energies of this sacred season to attract love, abundance, and success. Embrace the spirit of Yule and welcome the blessings of the returning light into your life. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the magic of the season and create a brighter, more prosperous future with Alizon's Yule Spell.

Spell for Yule


Three candles on an Altar

Imbolc marks the beginning of spring and celebrates the midpoint between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara). Imbolc usually falls on February 1st or 2nd and is also known as Brigid's Day, after the Celtic goddess of fertility, healing, and poetry, Brigid (or Brighid). In the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Imbolc is one of the eight sabbats, or seasonal festivals.

The festival of Imbolc is a time to honor the awakening of the earth, as the days begin to lengthen and the first signs of spring appear. It is a time of purification, renewal, and the anticipation of new life and growth. Traditionally, people would celebrate Imbolc by lighting candles and fires to symbolize the returning warmth of the sun, as well as performing rituals for protection and fertility.

In modern times, Imbolc is often celebrated by Pagans, Wiccans, and other spiritual practitioners who observe the Wheel of the Year. Common rituals and activities during Imbolc include candle lighting, house cleansing, crafting Brigid's crosses, and preparing and sharing seasonal foods.

Unique Imbolc Spell

Welcome the rejuvenating energies of spring with Alizon's exclusive Imbolc Spell, a magical experience tailored to help you embrace new beginnings and harness the power of this sacred season. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Imbolc, the earth awakens, and life starts to stir. Alizon's Imbolc Spell captures the essence of this transformative time, empowering you to cleanse your energy, release the past, and manifest your deepest desires with the support of the Goddess Brigid.

Experience the enchanting power of Alizon's Imbolc Spell, customized to your unique needs and intentions. By combining ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon channels the potent energies of Imbolc to bring about positive change, renewed vitality, and the promise of growth in your life. Whether you seek love, abundance, healing, or inspiration, let Alizon's Imbolc Spell guide you on your path to personal transformation. Embrace the magic of this sacred season, and step into the light with confidence and grace, as you welcome the blessings of Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid into your life.

Spell for Imbolc



Ostara or Spring Equinox occurs on or around March 21 and is the time when the maiden aspect of the Goddess embraces spring and begins to cover the Earth with fertility, budding trees, colorful wildflowers and the freshness of spring. This is the time when the Goddess, joyful in the youthfulness and lust of a Maiden sees the strengthening adolescent Sun God in a very new light.

The God grows in maturity, his strength on the verge of conquering the darkness. At this time the hours of dark and light are equal. It is a celebration of balance. It is also a time to celebrate being alive and look forward with anticipation to what the year has to offer you with an open mind.

Unique Ostara Spell

Celebrate the vibrant energy of spring and the balance of light and darkness with Alizon's exclusive Ostara Spell. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox, the days and nights are of equal length, symbolizing the perfect harmony between light and shadow. Alizon's Ostara Spell is designed to help you tap into the renewing energies of this sacred season, fostering growth, balance, and rejuvenation in all aspects of your life.

Experience the enchanting power of Alizon's Ostara Spell, customized to your unique needs and intentions. Utilizing a blend of ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon captures the potent energies of Ostara to bring about positive change, new beginnings, and a flourishing future. Whether you seek to attract love, abundance, healing, or personal growth, Alizon's Ostara Spell will guide you on your path to transformation, empowering you to embrace the magic of the season and the blossoming potential within yourself.

Let the rejuvenating power of Alizon's Ostara Spell uplift your spirit and awaken your soul to the limitless possibilities that await you in the coming months. Connect with the divine energy of the Spring Equinox, and let Alizon help you plant the seeds of your dreams, nurturing them into vibrant reality with the blessings of Ostara.

Spell for Ostara



As the wheel of the year turns Beltane or May Day is a celebration of love. The God is now fully grown and is aroused by the Maiden with her fertility all-encompassing.

Their union creates the new Sun God-to-be and many Wiccan couples will perform the ritual of hand fasting on this day. Hand fasting is the union (similar to marriage) of a male and female Wiccan. The couple’s hands are fastened together with a rope or ribbon and this is where the saying ‘tying the knot’ originates.

Unique Beltane Spell

Ignite your passions and embrace the powerful, transformative energy of the season with Alizon's exclusive Beltane Spell. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Beltane, celebrated on May 1st, the days grow longer, and the earth bursts into life with the vibrant colors and fragrances of spring. Alizon's Beltane Spell captures the essence of this fiery festival, symbolizing fertility, love, and the union of the divine masculine and feminine energies.

Experience the enchanting power of Alizon's Beltane Spell, carefully customized to your unique needs and intentions. By combining ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon channels the potent energies of Beltane to bring about positive change, passion, and manifestation in your life. Whether you're seeking love, abundance, creativity, or personal empowerment, let Alizon's Beltane Spell guide you on your journey towards transformation and growth.

Embrace the magic of the season with the support of Alizon's Beltane Spell, connecting you to the vibrant energy of the earth and the limitless potential within yourself. Celebrate the sacred union of the Goddess and the God, and let their blessings fuel your desires and aspirations. Revel in the joy of Beltane, and allow Alizon to help you harness its transformative power, lighting the spark within your soul and illuminating your path towards a radiant, fulfilling future.

Spell for Beltane



Litha or Summer Solstice happens on or around June 21st. This is the longest day and the shortest night of the year and from this point, the days will get shorter and the dark hours longer.

The power of the sun is at its zenith now, as is the God’s. Both God and Goddess now mature in their deepening love; celebrate the fertility of the earth despite the knowledge that from this point on, his power will begin to wane.

Unique Litha Spell

Awaken your inner fire and harness the radiant energy of the summer solstice with Alizon's exclusive Litha Spell. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Litha, also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice, the sun reaches its zenith, bringing the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Alizon's Litha Spell captures the essence of this vibrant celebration, symbolizing abundance, growth, and the fullness of life.

Experience the enchanting power of Alizon's Litha Spell, expertly customized to your unique needs and intentions. By weaving together ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon channels the potent energies of Litha to bring about positive change, manifestation, and expansion in your life. Whether you're seeking love, prosperity, vitality, or personal growth, let Alizon's Litha Spell guide you on your journey towards transformation and self-discovery.

Embrace the magic of the season with the support of Alizon's Litha Spell, connecting you to the boundless energy of the sun and the limitless potential within yourself. Celebrate the peak of the sun's power and the balance between light and darkness, and let their blessings fuel your desires and aspirations. Revel in the joy of Litha, and allow Alizon to help you harness its transformative power, illuminating your path towards a bright, abundant, and fulfilling future.

Summer Solstice (Spell for Litha)


Hay bales in a field

The wheel of the year turns once more and we reach Lammas or Lughnasadh on August 1st. is the first of the harvest festivals, it also marks the waning strength of the God as the nights grow longer and the days become shorter.

The Goddess, now fully evolved in her Mother aspect, looks on sorrowfully at the God’s demise but finds comfort and strength in the realization she carries the seed of the new year's Sun God within her. Lammas is a time of thanksgiving and counting our blessings.

Unique Lammas Spell

Embrace the magic of the harvest season and harness the nurturing energy of Lammas with Alizon's exclusive Lammas Spell. As the Wheel of the Year turns to Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, celebrated on August 1st, we give thanks for the abundance of the earth and the bounty it provides. Alizon's Lammas Spell captures the essence of this powerful celebration, symbolizing gratitude, prosperity, and the culmination of your hard work and dedication.

Experience the enchanting power of Alizon's Lammas Spell, skillfully customized to your unique needs and intentions. By blending ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon channels the potent energies of Lammas to bring about positive change, manifestation, and abundance in your life. Whether you're seeking success, stability, growth, or personal fulfillment, let Alizon's Lammas Spell guide you on your journey towards transformation and empowerment.

Embrace the magic of the season with the support of Alizon's Lammas Spell, connecting you to the life-giving energy of the earth and the limitless potential within yourself. Celebrate the first harvest and the fruits of your labor, and let the blessings of the Goddess and the God fuel your desires and aspirations. Revel in the joy of Lammas, and allow Alizon to help you harness its transformative power, enriching your path towards a prosperous, bountiful, and fulfilling future.

Spell for Lammas



As the wheel of the year turns and nears its end Mabon or Autumn Equinox is on or around 21st September is once again a time of balance when days and nights are equal. Nature readies itself for the cold winter dark as the Sun God wanes in his powers.

The themes then of Mabon are the completion of the harvest, the balance of light and dark, and of male and female. The Wheel of the Year turns once again towards Samhain getting ready for the depth of winter and the start of a new turning of the Wheel.

Unique Mabon Spell

Welcome the magic of balance and transformation with Alizon's exclusive Mabon Spell as the Wheel of the Year turns to Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox. This enchanting time marks the transition from summer to autumn, where day and night are of equal length, and we honor the delicate equilibrium of light and darkness. Alizon's Mabon Spell captures the essence of this powerful celebration, symbolizing harmony, gratitude, and the mysteries of life's cycles.

Experience the captivating power of Alizon's Mabon Spell, expertly tailored to your unique needs and intentions. By merging ancient wisdom and modern spellcasting techniques, Alizon channels the potent energies of Mabon to bring about positive change, manifestation, and balance in your life. Whether you're seeking love, prosperity, growth, or personal transformation, let Alizon's Mabon Spell guide you on your journey towards self-discovery and harmony.

Embrace the magic of the season with the support of Alizon's Mabon Spell, connecting you to the nurturing energy of the earth and the boundless potential within yourself. Celebrate the balance between light and darkness, and let their blessings nurture your desires and aspirations. Revel in the beauty of Mabon, and allow Alizon to help you harness its transformative power, illuminating your path towards a more balanced, abundant, and fulfilling future.

Spell for Mabon

If you haven’t already check out my other pages on the personal Spells Cast For You by me, Alizon, on your behalf.

Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some voluntary charity work.   

Here was your guide to The Wheel of the Year. If you enjoyed it and found it informative, please pay it forward and share below.

The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025

A woman dressed in black casting spells at ther altar

A New Moon Spell That Works

Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!


Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.

Don't miss out on the coming New Moon January 2025.
Your chance to change your destiny:

You may want a New Moon Spell to:

  • Boost your Ancient Magical Chants
  • Attract a new love into your life
  • Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
  • Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship

  • Commence a new career or business
  • Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
  • Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
  • Or any positive purpose you may have


Ali says
"Hello dear Alizon ☺️ I wish you a happy new year, good health and happiness for the future. I just have to thank you again for the Soulmate spell you performed for me, I finally met a wonderful girl and it's going so wonderfully between us, it can't be described in words, we want to get married next summer 😊 I think I owe it all to your magic. You are such a wonderful personality and a blessing to this world ✨ Light and Love from me"

Liz from the US says
"You cast a spell for me in August 2022 and I want to thank you for your sincere efforts on my behalf. The spell was very successful. I will use your services again. You help many people. Thank you again!"

Christine from Stamford, Connecticut, USA says
"Hi Alizon! Thank you for another GREAT Casino win! after casting me a Money Spell."

Thomas from Muir, Switzerland says
"You cast a Money Spell for me. My turnover increased 70% during the last three months! You helped me in a great way."

Terrence from Sacramento, California USA
"I wanted to thank you for the Money Spell you cast for me. I have seen immediate results and look forward to the continuous positive energy. Blessings to you."

Alexa Aurora, Colorado USA
"Hi! Again, thank you for all your work on the Money Spell. There have been amazing positive energies flowing around my finances already."

Judith from Wrexham, North Wales, UK
"I just wanted to thank you for casting the Full Moon Triple Cast Love Spell from the bottom of my heart. I know the full moon can be powerful but I didn’t expect such great results so soon."

Charles from Smithfield, Queensland, Australia "Thank you so much for the amazing and fantastic extreme success you had in the Return Lover Spell you did. Within 24hrs my ex contacted me and wanted to see me straight away. I could not believe it. It was amazing."

Lynne from Topeka, Kansas, USA
"You cast an Attraction Spell for me. It took several weeks to work, but when it did, it worked like ... well like magic! I have found the most wonderful, perfect, man in the world for me!"

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
"Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Nina from Picton, NSW, Australia
"I just wanted to share with you the best news ever! Your Fertility Spell worked! I’ve waited so long for this to happen and I’m over the moon. Thank you so much Alizon."

Yvette from Singapore
"The Psychic Ability Spell you cast has begun to work. I can sense the connections with spirit much stronger than before. I have been more and more sensitive to other "beings" around me also."

David from Georgia, USA
"Just so you'll know I recently purchased a Reunite Spell from you. It worked!!! It had been two and a half months since I heard from my ex. Less than a week after your spell she reached out to me through Facebook."

Elpo from Middlesex, UK
" Dear Alizon, I don't know how to express my joy to you .... I can only wish all the best in your life and lots of blessings !! The Reunite Spell worked the same day, I am back on track with my lover."

Andrea from South Australia
" Just to let you know that I`ve got the job I wanted with the Prosperity Spell you did. Thank you very much. It is unbelievable."

Tiffany from Sarasota, Florida, USA
" I want to thank you for the Binding Spell you did for me. It brought ******* back to me! So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!"

Julia from San Diego, USA
"I was so pleased with the Love Spell you cast for me last week! I had results the very next day. Thank you, blessed be."


I would like to thank you SO much again. You are so gifted and I'm lucky to have found you and receive your energy. I had instant results AGAIN with the Money Spell you cast for me!"

Leonora from Ottawa, Canada
"You cast a Fertility Spell for me and I had twins!"

Jessica from Northern Carolina, USA
"I ordered Custom Spell from you over 2 or 3 weeks ago and I would just like to share my success. A lot of things are opening up for me. Multiple job opportunities, I feel great, energized and my ex boyfriend and I are back together. Thanks again for your amazing work."

Cassandra from New South Wales, Australia
"Just to let you know that my lover and I have united and we are now a couple because of the Return Lover Spell you cast for me. And, thank you. We are a very connected pair, consider ourselves soul mates and through your help, are now together."

Louise from Sheffield, United Kingdom
"Everything is perfect with me and ****.The Commitment Spell you cast me he asked me to marry him the very next day! This is the happiest I’ve ever been."

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
< "Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Sharon from Windsor, Pennsylvania USA
"Alizon - I wanted to let you know that there were serious signs of a commitment from ****** from the Commitment Spell you cast right away - the next day. Thank you for what you've done so for, many blessings and love to you."

Angie from Cornwall, UK
" Thank you for the first two spells that you cast for me, a Soul Mate Spell and a Success Spell - they have been very effective."

Richard, Reston, Virginia, USA
"Thank you! You did a Soul Mate Spell for me and within weeks, it quite an unusual way, I met my soulmate! I’ve never been happier."

Gurpreet from Birmingham, United Kingdom
"Hello Alizon, I just wanted to thank you for making my relationship possible! I had no idea that your Attraction Spell would work so fast! I am extremely grateful to you for making my muse into a reality. I can most definitely say I am the happiest girl on the planet right now!"

Shelley from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
"I cannot believe how different I am after you cast the Confidence Spell for me. I felt the positive energy straight away and am starting a course in self development. Thank you for guiding me."


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Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.

You must be at least 18 years old to make any purchase from me.

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