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The Wiccan Rede contains the principals that Wiccans and Witches adhere to.
A lay interpretation of what it means follows the actual Wiccan Rede.
Bide the Wiccan Laws we must
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about
To keep the evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time,
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful rune.
When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss the hand to her, times two.
When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls will have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.
When the wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the log and the Horned One rules.
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady Blessed be.
Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.
When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to others' greed.
With a fool no season spend,
Lest ye be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three time bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on thy brow.
True in Love ever be,
Lest thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil:
An It Harme None, Do As Ye Will.
The Wiccan Rede quite simply are the rules a Witch must strive to abide by. Written in poetic rhyme it is simply advice to live by. Below is a repeat of the Wiccan Rede but with our lay interpretation in parentheses.
Bide the Wiccan Laws we must
In perfect love and perfect trust.
(We should strive to live according to the Wiccan laws, as given in the Rede, and with an attitude of perfect love and perfect trust to all).
Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.
(Treat others, as you'd wish to be treated yourself and give respect not only to people but also to all of Nature)
Cast the Circle thrice about
To keep the evil spirits out.
(A Magic Sacred Circle in which worship and spell work is done is cast three times.)
To bind the spell every time,
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
(Spells should rhyme.)
Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak little, listen much.
gentle approach to life should be adopted allowing you to listen rather
than talk. On the whole truly wise people don't waste themselves with
idle chitchat; they listen, which means when they do speak it is well
considered and thoughtful.)
Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.
(When the Moon is waxing, move around the Sacred Circle clockwise to bring in good fortune.)
Widdershins go by the waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful rune.
(When the Moon is waning, move about the Sacred Circle anti-clockwise, to rid negativity.)
When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss the hand to her, times two.
(When the Moon is in its New phase, welcome her back by kissing two fingers to her.)
When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seeks.
(At a Full Moon, energy and power are at their strongest and is a perfect time to do Magic.)
Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.
(This refers to the Elements and the Element Earth and it's correspondence of North direction.)
When the wind comes from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
(This refers to the Element Fire and it's correspondence of South direction.)
When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls will have no rest.
(This refers to the Element Water and it's correspondence of West direction.)
When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.
(This refers to the Element Air and it's correspondence of East direction.)
Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.
(There are nine differing types of Magical or Sacred Trees that are often burnt during Rituals Apple, Birch, Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel, Oak, Rowan, Vine and Willow.)
Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.
(Never burn Elder trees, as they are sacred.)
When the wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.
(This regards the Wheel of the Year, Beltane being the Spring Sabbat, and a Fire festival.)
When the wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the log and the Horned One rules.
(Yule is the Winter Solstice and is one of the Sabbats, and is considered the time when the God is Reborn.)
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady Blessed be.
(Respect and take card of Nature and her gifts.)
Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.
(This is a metaphor for actions and affects, as ripples caused by a single small stone falling into water spread far and wide.)
When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to others' greed.
(Do not envy others who appear to have more than you have yourself, give thanks for what you do have)
With a fool no season spend,
Lest ye be counted as his friend.
(People judge you on the company you keep, be around fools and their foolish ways and you will be seen to be foolish.)
Merry meet and merry part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
(Be a good friend to those you hold dear, and take pleasure in their company, as they will in yours.)
Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three time bad and three times good.
(Pay close attention to the Law of Three as whatever actions you take, either for good or for ill, will come back to you multiplied three times.)
When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on thy brow.
(To protect you from harm. if you experience troubles, visualise a blue pentagram on your forehead.)
True in Love ever be,
Lest thy lover's false to thee.
(Be true, loyal and faithful in love, but be nobody’s fool. If your lover is unfaithful, disloyal or harms you then leave them.)
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil:
An It Harme None, Do As Ye Will.
(These eight little words neatly sum it all up - if it harms no one and nothing, including yourself, feel free to do, as you want.)
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