Zodiac Billionaires

Who are the Zodiac billionaires? Which of the 12 Star Signs of the Horoscope are the mega-rich born under? Do you share their sun sign? Here you'll discover the star signs of the wealthiest people in the world.

It's estimated that there around 2000 billionaires in the world today. You may be intrigued to know which of the 12 Zodiac signs that most billionaires were born under.

Looking closely at the Forbes 2019 Billionaires List we identified the Zodiac star signs of the richest billionaires in the world. 

Aries Billionaires

The latest data on the world's richest billionaires show that those born under the Zodiac star sign of Aries, March 21st - April 19th, are at the top of the list. they are the very best at attracting money, wealth and success. This is no surprise as Aries like to take the lead in everything they do and this includes being top of all the Zodiac billionaires.

Their fiery passion and determined nature makes them ambitious, assertive and aggressive in their pursuit of wealth and success. Attracting money comes easily to these confident, courageous trailblazers.

Aries money makers take risks that no one else dares to. Aries Zodiac billionaires are unafraid to leap into the unknown. Because of this they are natural entrepreneurs.

Aries billionaires include Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries, and the richest man in India, said to be worth $23 billion and Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft and owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Also founder of Zara, Amancio Ortega with wealth over $70 billion is an Aries.

Another Aries billionaire, included in the Forbes rich list is Larry Page, CEO of Google with his wealth exceeding $40 billion.

 “Have a healthy disregard for the impossible.” Larry Page

Fictional billionaire Bobby "Axe" Axelrod played by Damian Lewis in the hit American TV show, Billions, shows all the character traits of an Aries Billionaire.

Self made Wall Street billionaire Bobby "Axe" Axelrod made his billions as an ambitious and ruthless hedge fund manager.

His extravagant lifestyle includes living in a huge  mansion with a vault to store all his billions.

Leo Billionaires

In joint second place of Zodiac billionaires in the Forbes Billionaires Rich List comes the Zodiac star sign of Leo - July 23rd to August 22nd.

Again it is no surprise that Leo billionaires rank so highly. Zodiac billionaires who are born under Leo are like Aries in that they come from the element of Fire. This makes for a passionate extrovert and larger than life character. Leo money makers tend to be highly creative, motivated and have a sunny disposition. They love to be the centre of attention and have a flair for the dramatic and extravagant.

Leo billionaires include the entrepreneur Steve Case and Harry Potter novelist, screenwriter and film producer J.K. Rowling.

“Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” – J.K. Rowling

Another Leo billionaire to make it on the Forbes Rich List is Larry Ellison CEO and Founder of Oracle with a fortune of over $50 billion.

"Great achievers are driven, not so much by the pursuit of success, but by the fear of failure.” - Larry Ellison

Billionaire Leo Sergey Brin, President of Google and with wealth approaching $40 billion displays his creative and passionate traits.

“Coming up with an idea is the least important part of creating something great. It has to be the right idea and have good taste, but the execution and delivery are what’s key.” - Sergey Brin

Yet another Leo billionaire making it on the Forbes Billionaire list is Sheldon Adelson, Chairman and CEO of the Las Vegas Sands.

“I’ll tell you the secret, but nobody ever follows it. Just do things differently. Just do things in life the way other people don’t do that. Change the status quo. And then you’ll succeed.”- Sheldon Adelson.

Libra Billionaires

In joint second place of Zodiac billionaires on the Forbes Billionaires List comes charming and charismatic Libra. Those born under the Zodiac star sign of Libra - September 23rd to October 22nd - are said to be blessed with diplomacy, tact and charm. These Zodiac billionaires are said to be very lucky and just have a knack for attracting money.

Libra money makers tend to be very charismatic with the ability to attract attention and affection from those around them.

Jerry Jones owner of NFL's Dallas Cowboys is a famous Libra billionaire. Ralph Lauren is an American fashion designer, philanthropist, and business executive and founder of the Ralph Lauren Corporation and is also a Libra billionaire.

"Knowledge is not a passion from without the mind, but an active exertion of the inward strength, vigor, and power of the mind, displaying itself from within.” - Ralph Lauren

Libra billionaire Stefan Persson, Chairman of H&M is said to be worth close to $20 billion.

"You have to sow before you can reap."- Stefan Persson

Two women billionaires who happen to be born under the star sign of Libra are L’Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, with wealth close to $40 billion and Walmart heiress Alice Walton said to be worth $33 billion.

Scorpio Billionaires

Next to be ranked of Zodiac billionaires on the Forbes Billionaires List is seductive and secretive Scorpio - October 23rd to November 22nd. Those born under the Zodiac star sign of Scorpio are very resourceful, unafraid and full of passion. Scorpio money makers will find any means and do literally anything to attain their goals.

Those born under the star sign of Scorpio have a natural flair for attracting wealth and success and know how to use the power and influence that comes with that.

Scorpio billionaires include Laurene Powell Jobs, (Steve Jobs’ widow), said to be worth $20 billion and one of China's richest businessman Wang Jianlin with wealth over $30 billion.

The world's richest man, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, business magnate, entrepreneur, philanthropist and investor, is a Scorpio billionaire said to be worth $86 billion.

He has donated large amounts of money to various charities and scientific research programs through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he set up in the year 2000.

"To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks."- Bill Gates

Taurus Billionaires

Taurus money makers use their determination and strong work ethic to drive them forward, often to great success.

Perhaps the most famous Taurus billionaire is Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Facebook with wealth amounting to $56 billion.

"In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."- Mark Zuckerberg

British inventor of the bagless Dyson vacuum cleaner, James Dyson, is also a Taurus billionaire.

 “Enjoy failure and learn from it. You can never learn from success.” - James Dyson

Taurus billionaire David Koch, executive Vice President of Koch Industries is said to be worth close to $50 billion.

"It is much easier to modify an opinion if one has not already persuasively declared it." - David Koch.

Aquarius Billionaires

In fifth place in the rankings of the Forbes Billionaires List are the Aquarius billionaires who were born under the Zodiac star sign of Aquarius - January 21st to February 18th. Aquarians tend to be original thinkers, innovative and highly intelligent.

Aquarius money makers use their ingenuity and brilliant minds to get to where they want to be. They are bursting with money making ideas and are skilled in money attraction techniques.

Former New York Mayor and CEO of Bloomberg is Aquarius billionaire Michael Bloomberg with wealth of $47 billion.

"I am what I am and, you know, I'm a very lucky guy."- Michael Bloomberg

Another lucky guy and an Aquarius billionaire is Paul Allen, co founder of Microsoft.

“You look at things you enjoy in your life, but much more important is what you can do to make the world a better place.”- Paul Allen

Carlos Slim Helu, Mexican tycoon is also an Aquarius billionaire and is listed as the 6th richest person in the world by Forbes with his wealth reaching $65 billion.

Capricorn Billionaires

Next to be listed on the Forbes Rich List is hard working and dedicated Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th. Those born under the Zodiac star sign of Capricorn are said to disciplined, natural leaders. Zodiac billionaires born under Scorpio can be manipulative and cunning and can use their skills to get rich.

Capricorn money makers are often ruthless, driven and fanatical in their pursuit of wealth. They are master of money attraction techniques.

Capricorn billionaire Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon.com has amassed wealth of over $70 billion.Jeff Bezos

Capricorn billionaires include Russian tycoon Vladimir Potanin who is said to be worth $14 billion and Joseph Safra of Safra National Bank with wealth over $20 billion.

As a typical hardworking and ambitious Capricorn billionaire, Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon.com has amassed wealth of over $70 billion.

Along with his interest in Amazon Jeff Bezos also owns The Washington Post and an aerospace company called Blue Origin.

“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.” - Jeff Bezos

Gemini Billionaires

Next to be listed on the Forbes Rich List is flexible and intriguing Gemini - May 22nd to June 21st. Those born under the Zodiac star sign of Gemini are said to be inspiring, intelligent and adaptable.

Zodiac billionaires born under the sun sign of Gemini are intriguing, often because of their dual personality.

Gemini money makers use their flexibility to be always open to opportunities that appear. They are not afraid to take a leap of faith and trust things will turn out well. They have a natural flair when it comes to attracting money.

Gemini billionaire Sir Len Blavatnik, owner of Warner Music, businessman, investor, and philanthropist has amassed wealth of over $20 billion.

"Even the savviest can lose their shirts in media – I do not want to be the next victim" - Sir Len Blavatnik

Other Gemini billionaires include David Thomson, Canada's richest man said to be worth upwards of $27 billion and Jim Walton, Walmart heir, with wealth exceeding $34 billion.

Sagittarius Billionaires

Next to be listed on the Forbes Rich List is adventurous and courageous Sagittarius - November 23rd to December 21st. Those born under the Zodiac star sign of Sagittarius are said to be generous, gregarious and happy-go-lucky.

Zodiac billionaires with their sun in Sagittarius use a combination of luck and fearlessness to create wealth.

Sagittarius money makers are fearless opportunists who can adapt to any given situation and are very adept in attracting wealth and prosperity.

Film director, screenwriter and producer Steven Spielberg is a Sagittarius billionaire.

 “This opportunity … allows all of us to reach out directly to open a much wider door.”- Steven Spielberg

Other Sagittarius billionaires include property tycoons David and Simon Reuben with wealth over $15 billion and a representative of woman billionaires, Abigail Johnson, CEO of Fidelity Investments worth $14 billion.

Pisces Billionaires

Next in the rankings of the Forbes Billionaires List are the Pisces billionaires who were born under the Zodiac star sign of Pisces - February 19th to March 20th. Pisces tend to very intuitive, artistic and creative.

Zodiac billionaires born under the sun sign of Pisces use their imagination to think beyond the box.

Pisces money makers are very imaginative, creative and sensitive to the emotions of others. This makes them successful in business and attracting money as they can virtually read the minds of their business partners and competitors.

Zodiac billionaires born under Pisces include Bernard Arnault, French business magnate and investor with wealth in excess of $40 and Australian born American media mogul Rupert Murdoch, said to be worth $13 billion.

Pisces billionaire Michael Dell, Chairman and CEO of Dell is said to be worth upwards $20 billion.

He is known for his philanthropy and charitable donations. For example in 2017, after Hurricane Harvey he pledged $36 million to relief efforts.

“You don’t need to be a genius or a visionary, or even a college graduate for that matter, to be successful. You just need framework and a dream.”- Michael Dell

Virgo Billionaires

In joint last place of the Forbes Billionaires List are the Virgo billionaires who were born under the Zodiac star sign of Virgo - August 23rd to September 22nd. Virgo money makers tend to be analytical, critical and practical. Nothing is too big a challenge for Virgos.

Zodiac billionaires born under the star sign of Virgo make the best of any situation and can keep their cool in a crisis. Because of this they can use money attraction techniques to the best advantage.

Warren Buffet, Chairman, CEO and shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway is a Virgo billionaire worth in excess of $75 billion.

“Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.” - Warren Buffet

Other Virgo billionaires include Jack Ma, founder & Executive Chairman of the Alibaba Group with wealth in excess of $28 billion and Brazilian-Swiss investor Jorge Paulo Lemann, the richest person in Brazil with wealth of $29 billion.

Cancer Billionaires

In joint last place in the rankings of the Forbes Billionaires List are the Cancer billionaires who were born under the Zodiac star sign of Cancer - June 22nd to July 22nd. Cancerians tend to be sensitive, intuitive and very imaginative.

Zodiac billionaires with their sun in Cancer use their senses to sniff out a good deal.

Cancer money makers tend to care very much for people - whether these are co-workers, business partners or employees. They often amass riches and become very philanthropic.
Sir Richard Branson, English business magnate, investor and philanthropist and founder of the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies is a Cancer billionaire.

 “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.” - Sir Richard Branson

Other Zodiac billionaires born under Cancer include Elon Musk, business magnate, investor, engineer, and inventor with wealth approaching $14 billion and business woman Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, said to be worth over $12 billion.

Do You Dream of Being a Billionaire?

If you have worked tirelessly to gain the kind of money that can lead you to living the life you want, then it is time to turn to the power of Magic.

If you dream of living a life that is comfortable, stress free and without the worries of debt, money hassles and scrimping and scraping then take positive affirmative action now to make your dream a reality.

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Money Spells that work with the Law of Attraction are known to be very powerful and effective and enable you to attract wealth and abundance.

I can offer you the chance to have a Spell for Money cast specifically for you. Whatever your desired outcome, you will be amazed at the possibilities and potentials of successful Spell casting.

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Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.   

The History of Spell Casting

Through the ages and within every culture older wise women have passed down their knowledge and skills of healing herbs, medicinal plants, phases of the moon and sun, the alignment of the stars and other natural phenomenon to younger generations.  

The crafting of ingredients, coupled with prayers, rhymes or chants (Spells) were sent out to the Universe to increase abundance, to bring love, to aid fertility and for protection.

I possess the knowledge, skill, expertise and experience to successfully cast Spells that work with the Universe to help you with your desires.

I am an experienced Spell caster of 40 years and have a wide knowledge of herbs, oils, crystals and other ingredients, their qualities, their energies and how to use them successfully.


I personally guarantee that I will give a 100% effort using all my expertise and experience and do my utmost to cast a successful Spell to get the real results you want.

Your Spell will be cast in love and light, with harm to none and abiding by the Law of Attraction. It cannot backfire and does not bend the will of anyone.

The moment I cast a Spell for you it immediately begins working on your request!

Your personal and individual Spell will be formulated, personalised and expertly cast by me using the relevant and appropriate ingredients to aid speedy manifestation.

I keep my dealings with you completely private and confidential.

Your e-mail address and information is totally secure.


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Yvette from Singapore
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David from Georgia, USA
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Elpo from Middlesex, UK
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Julia from San Diego, USA
"I was so pleased with the Love Spell you cast for me last week! I had results the very next day. Thank you, blessed be."


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Leonora from Ottawa, Canada
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Jessica from Northern Carolina, USA
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Cassandra from New South Wales, Australia
"Just to let you know that my lover and I have united and we are now a couple because of the Return Lover Spell you cast for me. And, thank you. We are a very connected pair, consider ourselves soul mates and through your help, are now together."

Louise from Sheffield, United Kingdom
"Everything is perfect with me and ****.The Commitment Spell you cast me he asked me to marry him the very next day! This is the happiest I’ve ever been."

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
< "Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Sharon from Windsor, Pennsylvania USA
"Alizon - I wanted to let you know that there were serious signs of a commitment from ****** from the Commitment Spell you cast right away - the next day. Thank you for what you've done so for, many blessings and love to you."

Angie from Cornwall, UK
" Thank you for the first two spells that you cast for me, a Soul Mate Spell and a Success Spell - they have been very effective."

Richard, Reston, Virginia, USA
"Thank you! You did a Soul Mate Spell for me and within weeks, it quite an unusual way, I met my soulmate! I’ve never been happier."

Gurpreet from Birmingham, United Kingdom
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Shelley from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
"I cannot believe how different I am after you cast the Confidence Spell for me. I felt the positive energy straight away and am starting a course in self development. Thank you for guiding me."


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